what causes some tranny's to be really mushy compared to others that feel like they are in precise slots?
example... I drove a new V6 Jag the other day and there was so much play in it compared to say, my miata. The miata is just click click short shifting with very little side to side play and doesnt really move around that much... is it just because the shifter is short or is there more to it internally? I need a T5 for my new 3.4 engien, but I want it to be as precise as my miata tranny feels.
example... I drove a new V6 Jag the other day and there was so much play in it compared to say, my miata. The miata is just click click short shifting with very little side to side play and doesnt really move around that much... is it just because the shifter is short or is there more to it internally? I need a T5 for my new 3.4 engien, but I want it to be as precise as my miata tranny feels.