2.5 or 3.0 str - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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2.5 or 3.0 str

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  • 2.5 or 3.0 str

    Which would be the better stall toque ratio for the 3800? I sure like the sound of multiplying torque 3x but i am a little worried about driving with it in snow/rain and spinning tires all the time. Any input or STR?
    Hot Cammed LT1 Sleeper

  • #2
    You're getting caugh up in the numbers. State your goals for the car.


    • #3
      I want 14's and to be able to contend on the street. The car will have an intake,msd,tubular manifolds and full exhaust. I am also heavily considering putting a ssm or comp xe cam into it but will more than likely run it like this for a while. No NOS or blower at this time but i want a little flexibility. Thanks Dom!
      Hot Cammed LT1 Sleeper


      • #4
        If you want to get a cam later you will now have to decide on your powerband. Yank Super Thruster 3500 or Vigilantee 3200(3600 flash stall) are great. Yank will probably have to build you a custom one as they don't mass produce V6 converters, but it will still cost the same. These are very drivable. With a cam, 3500 is the least you should be looking at since most cams will have power bands over 3500. It will be a dog if you don't stall high enough. These will be fine with a 100 shot. If you don't drive on the highway alot, then also get 3.73s. The higher the gears the less loose a converter will feel. Nittos are a must with the above mentioned converters in order to take full advantage of them. You can still drive with Kuhmos or a similar tire on the street and be fine. Just don't expect to launch on the street like you would on a sticky track. These converters hit hard! You should be in mid to low 14s depending on your bolts ons, track conditions, and weather. Do a search on weight reductions also. Suspension is also critical to your launching.


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