I have been thinking about getting the gears changed because i've been reading it helps, but thats about the extent of my knowledge. Yes i did do a search on the subject, but everyone already seems to know what they're talking about so its hard to learn. What i'd like to know are:
1. what exactly does the number mean
2. what does a higher or lower gear ratio do
3. what is the recommended setting, and what sacrifices are given up when setting it at a higher or lower level. anything you can tell me, just talk to me like a child. thanks. also, is it expensive to get done, and what kind of place would i have to take it to?
[ April 10, 2002: Message edited by: saturn2187 ]</p>
1. what exactly does the number mean
2. what does a higher or lower gear ratio do
3. what is the recommended setting, and what sacrifices are given up when setting it at a higher or lower level. anything you can tell me, just talk to me like a child. thanks. also, is it expensive to get done, and what kind of place would i have to take it to?
[ April 10, 2002: Message edited by: saturn2187 ]</p>