Pinion angle ? w/ trans mount... (ADVANCED) - Message Board


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Pinion angle ? w/ trans mount... (ADVANCED)

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  • Pinion angle ? w/ trans mount... (ADVANCED)

    I have an ES Poly trans mount in my car. Still have the 2pc DS in also....

    friend of mine (auto mechanic) said that someone he works with said that me putting the urethane trans mount in my car raised the pinion angle in my rear and is causing the gears to "grind" as he said.

    now, i hear no grinding at all, but even if i cant hear it, im somewhat concerned.

    would this actually happen? i see it as if the output angle of the trans is changed with the 2pc, only the front half-shaft would slightly change angles, and the back would stay the same.

    if this is the case, and my angle is off, thus ruining my gears, would the 1pc aluminum im about to put in fix this?

  • #2


    • #3
      same here, i don't think it will hurt anything...i think with the 2 piece driveshaft like we have, there is enough play that it doesn't matter. even with the one piece driveshaft, i don't think it would make too much difference due to the u-joints.


      • #4
        These angles are very crucial to avoid premature wear of any of the rotating parts. Usually, the angles should have been no greater than 3* and be within .5* of each other. That means that the angle of the first universal joint to the transmission output york should be not greater in difference than .5* than the angle of the second universal joint to the input york of the rear end. Luckily, since this is a F-body and its equipped with the third brace (torque arm), you shouldn't have to worry so much about your pinion angle. The universal joints will not last nearly as long as they should.


        • #5
          Man I just replaced my 2 piece with a 1 piece and it vibrated like hell. So I got it balanced and put it back in and still the same thing while ripping up the seal on the tranny also. So people are telling me its my pinion angle. Some one has to know how to fix this.
          Runs 16.1 @ 85 looking for 15s!


          • #6
            there is an easy fix to this problem, get a couple of 1/4 inch spacers made up and raise your transmission 1/2 inch off the cross member to regain your stock angles (both ES trans mount and 1LE mounts are 1/2inch shorter than a stock one.)

            that's what I did, greatly reduced vibration and quite honestly the car felt like it has a little more power but I think most of that was due to the regained smoothness under acceleration..

            now if you are getting lots of vibration after returning your car to the stock angles with a 1piece aluminum and you have had it balanced you might want to try removing and rotating the driveshaft 90 degrees and reinstalling.

            if you still have vibration then .. well then it's time to take it to somebody that can properly diagnose the problem
            98 Firebird - gone from mod mode to keep it running and useable mode.
            2000 V-Star Custom 1100
            If all else fails use a bigger hammer!


            • #7
              well then, does anyone know or have a site that tells you how to line this stuff up? im gonna put a 1pc aluminum in soon also, but dont wanna f anything up....

              any help appreciated. thanks.


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