Guys with 3.73's and 4.10's come on in - Message Board


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Guys with 3.73's and 4.10's come on in

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  • Guys with 3.73's and 4.10's come on in

    How much did going to 3.73's or 4.10's effect your rev and top speed limiters?
    97 3.8L V6 Firebird <br />Former Board Name: RedBirdV6<br />Best N/A 1/4: 14.53@94 <br />Best Nitrous 1/4: 12.82@106

  • #2
    Top end??? I remember having a top end....Now it's missing. I can stil cruise at 80 with no problem.


    • #3
      <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by nitrox28:
      Top end??? I remember having a top end....Now it's missing. I can stil cruise at 80 with no problem.<hr></blockquote>

      maybe you should have gotten 3.42s? I have the best of both worlds. Then again don't trust me, I have the dreaded Flo-bast*rd muffler. [img]tongue.gif[/img]


      • #4
        3.73 killed top end but can still beary the needel ;)
        1999 Camaro V6 A4<br />Navy Blue metallic<br />Intake+Exhaust+4.10+?=?


        • #5
          Acceleration is improved in every gear (you just shift sooner). I never ran mine top speed since the gears but I know that 110 mph is real easy and I personally don't feel comfy going much faster than that!
          \'01 Camaro M5 1SA \"Lightweight\" hardtop, Bright Red, Ebony cloth, FRA, Whisper Lid, B&B cat-back, Torsen 3.73 LSD, HPPIII (93 octane setting)<p>\'00 Camaro SS M6 T-Top, all GM and most SLP opts., Bright Red, Ebony leather, 4.10s, SLP long tubes, Loudmouth, CNC Stage II H/C, etc.


          • #6
            i have no idea why you guys are crying about top end, i FLY up to 120. and yes i have my speedo recalibrated. Ive burried the needle into the voltage gauge, so i dont see how your 3.73's suck. im not calling these gears a street gear, cause expect to get **** mileage and cruise at high revs, but i LOVE my 4.10's i wouldnt go down at all.


            • #7
              i have 3.73's and i have a lot of top end. in fact, i still feel like my bottom end is lagging a bit. my speed limiter kicks in at about 85mph since i don't have my speedo recalibrated. zach, did you get an scu2000 or get it done at a shop?
              you can\'t get off if you don\'t get on


              • #8
                I had 4 10's and I hated them but I do a lot of highway driving
                Noooo top end in my opinion
                323's here and 30+ mpg [img]smile.gif[/img]
                Race car - gone but not forgotten - 1997 firebird V6
                nitrous et & mph: 12.168 & 110.95 mph, n/a 13.746 & 96.38 mph
                2013 Dodge Challenger SRT8: 12.125, 116.45
                2010 Ford Taurus SHO: no times yet


                • #9
                  Was your pcm programmed for the 4.10 james? If it wasnt thats why you hated them, i imagine with the correct shift points and no governer 4.10 would freakin rip :D
                  Longtubes, true duals, ram air, caspers tps tec, ls1 26lb injectors, supersix powerpack, heads milled .020, comp cam .507 220/224 114 ls, forged internals and chromeoly pushrods, bored .030 over, tb spacer, tranny built with stiffer springs and kevlar bands, bigger servo, transgo stage 3 shift kit, edge 3600 stall, 1 pc aluminum ds, 3.73 superior gears, lsd rear ,custom pcm tuning, walbro 255 in tank,


                  • #10
                    I notice a loss in top end with just 3:42's if your worried about it youll notice it. And guys that say they dont notice it are lying or paralyzed from the neck down. 100 + acceleration is not what it was.
                    1998 Firebird 3.8, A4<br />Mods: Alum Ds, Yank TC 2800 stall, Rksport lid, FTRA, SLP air temp sensor, K&N, Flowmaster catback 2.5\" w/cutout, 3:42 gears w/LSD<br />Best E/T: 15.6 @ 86 mph (w/o gears / lsd or verter)<br />Best 60: 2.234<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> -- club site<p>To come?: l67 piston package hardened, turbo? spray? low 12\'s? well see


                    • #11
                      <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dirty8-un-Dreds:
                      100 + acceleration is not what it was.<hr></blockquote>

                      Does that matter at all???
                      1997 Chevrolet Camaro v6 - 13.8@104MPH
                      1997 Dodge Viper GTS


                      • #12
                        <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Ive burried the needle into the voltage gauge <hr></blockquote>

                        Thanks for using my sayin Mr Zach :D lmao
                        2002 5-spd NBM Camaro


                        • #13
                          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dirty8-un-Dreds:
                          I notice a loss in top end with just 3:42's if your worried about it youll notice it. And guys that say they dont notice it are lying or paralyzed from the neck down. 100 + acceleration is not what it was.<hr></blockquote>

                          I wouldn't agree that 3.42s kill my top end acceleration. It takes me 12sec to go from 100 to 118. Not too shabby for a V6...w/3.42s...that has minimal work. Oh and it took me 21sec to hit 100 from a standstill.


                          • #14
                            What im saying is its not bad, but you will notice a differance, and it is noticable. Its more like 70 + accleration and to me it does matter. The car used to just launch from 70 but now it just sort of takes off ;) the accleration is still there but its not the same and its not like it was and no one can say that their accleration iss exactly the same as it was. It just is a question of can you accpet the loss of a little top end for soem more low end power. And my answe is yes.
                            1998 Firebird 3.8, A4<br />Mods: Alum Ds, Yank TC 2800 stall, Rksport lid, FTRA, SLP air temp sensor, K&N, Flowmaster catback 2.5\" w/cutout, 3:42 gears w/LSD<br />Best E/T: 15.6 @ 86 mph (w/o gears / lsd or verter)<br />Best 60: 2.234<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> -- club site<p>To come?: l67 piston package hardened, turbo? spray? low 12\'s? well see


                            • #15
                              <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dirty8-un-Dreds:
                              What im saying is its not bad, but you will notice a differance, and it is noticable. Its more like 70 + accleration and to me it does matter. The car used to just launch from 70 but now it just sort of takes off ;) the accleration is still there but its not the same and its not like it was and no one can say that their accleration iss exactly the same as it was. It just is a question of can you accpet the loss of a little top end for soem more low end power. And my answe is yes.<hr></blockquote>

                              well, i'm neither a liar or paralyzed, and i haven't felt any loss in my top end going from 3.08's to 3.73's. that's not saying nobody will, that's just my car. like i said before, i still feel i'm lacking in the low end, but once i get rid of a couple air flow restrictions that should change.
                              you can\'t get off if you don\'t get on


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