A thread a couple weeks back mentioned that some vendor carried an aftermarket aluminum flywheel for a 3800 series 2. Does anyone remember who sold it? I checked the various vendors on this site (TByrne, Thunder Racing, LM Performance, etc) but I couldn't find a listing for this flywheel. Seeing how no one makes an aftermarket one for the 3.4L, some people may find it interesting that the 3800 flywheel will bolt right up to the 3.4L V6 (without any problems). The only difference between the Centerforce dual friction kits for the 3.4L and the 3800 is that the 3800 kit has a pressure plate that applies more holddown force than the 3.4L. The diameter of the disc and pressure plate is the same as is the spline count of the disc(26). So for people such as Tiago who has complained about the disc slipping under heavy load, this maybe an answer. But please don't take this info as gold yet, I need to find the 3800 flywheel to get it and test it out.