loud metal tapping when down shifting? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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loud metal tapping when down shifting?

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  • loud metal tapping when down shifting?

    what up guys. my 1999 cam m5 is makeing a pretty loud noise when i down shift from 4th to 3rd and slowing down. it sounds like If you took empty cans and hit them with a spoon or something. the sound come's from the center (outside) of the car under the area behind the shifter and cup holder where you would rest your arm.

    could it be my trans mount???

  • #2
    Re: loud metal tapping when down shifting?

    yea thats def. my guess stock ones arent exactly the strongest and its very easy to replace


    • #3
      Re: loud metal tapping when down shifting?

      yea i have broken two of them and thats what it sounds like to be and yes they are very easy to replace


      • #4
        Re: loud metal tapping when down shifting?

        so should i go new stock or energy suspension i heard stock dont last
        and cost more/energy suspension is very rough help me out guys.

        i'll most likely get the energy sus just worried about the other things involved
        i think i heard that i need other heardwear??


        • #5
          Re: loud metal tapping when down shifting?

          both times that i broke mine i just went back to the stock one just cause the autoparts store had it in stock both times but if i break another one im going to get the energy suspension one...i havent heard if you need anything other than what comes with the kit...http://forum.camarov6.com/showthread.php?t=73260 but im sure if you read that it will tell you


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