I've been trying to locate the source of my very annoying highway vibration. Sometimes it starts as early as 45mph but not usually until 55-60mph and then just gets worse. I had my tranny rebuilt a little over a year ago and because they couldn't directly bolt on the ES Poly mount they threw on a universal one (but they did add the shim plate that comes with the ES mount). I didn't really care until I got fed up with the vibration. I don't know if the vibration started after the rebuild, but I replaced the mount this afternoon (minus the ES plate) with the $17 Auto Zone solid V8 mount. It looked very similar to the universal one, but I was mainly comparing height, and they were very very close to the same. When I was at Auto Zone I compared the height of the hydraulic V6 mount to the solid V8 mount. The V6 one was about 1/2" taller than the V8 one. After I replaced the mount the vibration is still there, but it does feel a little smoother if that makes sense. Maybe a difference in the grade of the rubber? So anyway, down to the real question. Would the difference in height between the V6 & V8 mounts cause highway vibration since I'm not at stock height? I don't know if it would throw off the angle of the driveshaft enough to cause vibration. Any other related causes? The vibration stays with the tranny in neutral and car at speed.
97' V6 A4
97' V6 A4