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Shifting while racing

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  • #16
    Re: Shifting while racing

    Originally posted by 38camaro302
    Aint it pretty bad to not let off when you shift gears? WOnt this make the clutch burn up or something? Correct me if IM wrong...
    we're talking about in a race, not driving to the grocery store


    • #17
      Re: Shifting while racing

      I know that, Im just matter where your doing it it still aint good on it, but then again neither is racing lol. Basically why I was asking is cause I have NEVER done it before and if I were to try it, what are the odds of me ****ing something up? And im guessing that you wanan do it at lower RPMS than if you were regular shifting so that you wont hit the rev limiter?


      • #18
        Re: Shifting while racing

        haha I just went to get gas and tried it, not bad....I kinda like it, guess its time to start saving up for new parts lol. Anyways, it spins a good bit when I hit second, not just a chrip any more.


        • #19
          Re: Shifting while racing

          Originally posted by RadRacer
          I powershift somewhat, while quick shifting. I'll bring the RPM's up and you'll learn when the car will want to pop out of gear. Pop it out, then really quick slam on the clutch, throw it into the next gear and drop the clutch. Once it pops out of gear, go ahead and push it into the next gear. When you slam on the clutch, once it hits the floor, step off it. Abit of practice and you'll get your shifts down to milliseconds :D. When racing I NEVER take my foot off the gas until I've reached the finish :D

          You do realize that is the WORST thing possible you could do to your tranny?

          I hope you got some money saved up, your tranny's days are numbered.
          1998 Camaro V6 \"Black Mamba\"<br />Y87<br />Whisper Lid w/ K&N filter<br />Flowmaster American Thunder<br />Numerous appearance mods.<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Car Domain</a>


          • #20
            Re: Shifting while racing

            Originally posted by 38camaro302
            I know that, Im just matter where your doing it it still aint good on it, but then again neither is racing lol.
            Precisely, so in the grand scheme of things, it's not high on your list of priorities

            Basically why I was asking is cause I have NEVER done it before and if I were to try it, what are the odds of me ****ing something up?
            no greater than driving normally...
            And im guessing that you wanan do it at lower RPMS than if you were regular shifting so that you wont hit the rev limiter?
            Again, we're talking about racing, not driving Ms. Daisy. Using this technique at low RPMs serves no purpose. Also, your rev. limiter is set electronically, not by how fast the engine can spin. Therefore, hitting the stock rev. limiter does not pose a significant mechancal threat
            Originally posted by 38camaro302
            Anyways, it spins a good bit when I hit second, not just a chrip any more.
            then stop driving on super-bald tires


            • #21
              Re: Shifting while racing

              Originally posted by Greg94Red392
              You do realize that is the WORST thing possible you could do to your tranny?

              I hope you got some money saved up, your tranny's days are numbered.
              No problems what so ever yet, except the usual broken tranny mount and my slave cylinder went, both of which I just replaced. Maybe I have a freak tranny, or maybe I'm just lucky and one day it will suddenly be completely gone.
              ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
              A few things

              Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


              • #22
                Re: Shifting while racing

                Uh, my tires arent bald, there actually brand new. They are mastercraft avengers Z rated. By saying "spins a good bit" i dont mean it just keeps spinning, just barks um a little bit longer than it does normally.


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