Ok, I have a 1994 Firebird A4. 130,000 miles. Please read, kinda long i know.
My transmission has been acting funny for the last 4-6 months. I have looked into tranny shift kits but i figure it would end the life of my tranny quicker due to not being rebiuld and not being super strong to start with.
If my engine and tranny arent completely warmed up, my transmission will sometimes shift really hard into 2nd gear, and will be a noticeable uncomfortable shift. It usually makes this happen at around 2200-2600 rpms, if i give it alittle more gas to make it shift at 3000k rpms' then it usually can make a clean shift even when its on a cold tranny and engine, from 1st to 2nd. I never have a problem with my tranny in slipping or other shifting and downshifting.(besides the fact that if i downshift and my rpms are at 1500-2000, and im coasting to slow down, my rpms will fluctuate alot and can hear it rumble alittle in my exhaust, is that normal if u know what im talking about?)
My tranny fluid was 100% flushed with filters @ 120,000k miles with the right fluid and looks as good as it was when it was flushed. Good fluid level and pink color. When i had a shop take a look at it, they found metal in the bottom of the pan and never put a magnetic bolt or w.e back in the pan.
My car sometimes shakes in Drive and not in nuetral or park. I have also been hearing some grinding/ticking noise coming from under the car, when car is in any gear. I have been thinking its my torque converter, but idk enough about cars, so i can only make assumtions.
No SES lights or anything has come on, or any slipping either from gears.
Can anyone please give me advice on how i should troubleshoot this problem, before it leads to my tranny just giving up one of these days.
My transmission has been acting funny for the last 4-6 months. I have looked into tranny shift kits but i figure it would end the life of my tranny quicker due to not being rebiuld and not being super strong to start with.
If my engine and tranny arent completely warmed up, my transmission will sometimes shift really hard into 2nd gear, and will be a noticeable uncomfortable shift. It usually makes this happen at around 2200-2600 rpms, if i give it alittle more gas to make it shift at 3000k rpms' then it usually can make a clean shift even when its on a cold tranny and engine, from 1st to 2nd. I never have a problem with my tranny in slipping or other shifting and downshifting.(besides the fact that if i downshift and my rpms are at 1500-2000, and im coasting to slow down, my rpms will fluctuate alot and can hear it rumble alittle in my exhaust, is that normal if u know what im talking about?)
My tranny fluid was 100% flushed with filters @ 120,000k miles with the right fluid and looks as good as it was when it was flushed. Good fluid level and pink color. When i had a shop take a look at it, they found metal in the bottom of the pan and never put a magnetic bolt or w.e back in the pan.
My car sometimes shakes in Drive and not in nuetral or park. I have also been hearing some grinding/ticking noise coming from under the car, when car is in any gear. I have been thinking its my torque converter, but idk enough about cars, so i can only make assumtions.
No SES lights or anything has come on, or any slipping either from gears.
Can anyone please give me advice on how i should troubleshoot this problem, before it leads to my tranny just giving up one of these days.