ok well i just finished my conversion and i decided that ill atempt a write up on it. I did not plan on doing a write up so i dont have as many pictures as i would like but i will try my best at making this write up better than any of the others out there. overall it wasnt very hard, but it wasnt very easy either. Just plan ahead, what could go wrong, probably will.
parts needed:
tranny /w bellhousing
clutch flywheel pressure plate
clutch master cylinder /w clutch reservoir gm# 12565144
slave cylinder /w throw out bearing
pilot bearing
shift knob
center console insert
leather shift boot
lower shift boot
vss if tranny doesnt come with one gm#12523306 (96-02)
t-5 torque arm bracket/mount gm# 10252374 and 10252375 ( need both) 94-02
t5 cross member gm# 10269725 (98-02)
clutch pedal assm gm# 10298616 (99-02)
new pcm or a pcm reflash
lots of new bolts
reverse lights switch leads gm# 12085485 (94-02)
clutch safety switch gm# 14094368 (96-02) /w pigtail leads gm#12102690 (96-02)
rec new tranny mount (Im using the 1le mount)
wire connectors
small amount of extra wire
more pictures to come when i get my camera back from my stupid sister.
1. First of course you will need to get the car up on jacks, the higher the better. Also disconnect the battery just in case.

2. Once the car is jacked up you will need to take off the torque arm, followed by the drive shaft.
To remove the torque arm there are 2 long bolts with nuts on each end located on the rear end. after removing these, remove the torque arm bracket attached to the trans. Just follow the torque arm to where it connects to the tans and you will see it, Should remove with 2-3 bolts. Next there are 4 bolts attaching the drive shaft to the rear end. Remove these and the drive shaft should pull out from the trans.
3. Next you will need to remove the actual trans from the engine, this is the fun part. Start inside the car and remove the center console. Put the car in first, there is a staple holding the shift knob on. Take a small flat head screw driver and take it out and remove the knob. Next there are 2 7mm bolts under the coin holder in the arm rest. Take those off and the shifter plate will come off. Then there are about 8 10mm bolts holding the center console in place. 2 are in the bottom of the armrest, 2 are on either side of the console (one by the cupholder and oppisite side of it), and the rest are located next to or on the shifter assm. Once the center console is off unbolt the shifter and you can either cut the shifter cable and brake release cable or find where they are connected and disconnect them. I choose to cut them and then i removed the shifter assm.

Remove all the bolts you can from the underside of the bellhousing. They are 18mm i belive. When you get to the the bolts that are too hard to reach you will need to unbolt the cross member from the car. It is located in the back and bottom of the trans. Place a jack under this so when you unbolt it the trans will not fall. There are 4 bolts each are 15mm i believe.
When you unbolt the cross member onto the jack, you will need to slightly lower the jack. When you do this the trans will tilt back allowing you to get to the higher up bolts. The best way to get these bolts off is by using a 4 foot long extension and getting the bolts out from behind the trans.
There should also be 2 trans mounts on either side of the trans connecting the trans to the engine. For some reason my car did not have these.
When all the bolts are removed it is time to pry the tranns away from the engine. The easist way to do this i found is get a type of crowbar and stick it between the engine and the trans and push very hard. But be very carful once the trans is pushed far enough away, the trans will fall out and you DONT want it to fall on you (ITS HEAVY!!!) Also make sure all the connectors are off of the trans before letting it fall.
parts needed:
tranny /w bellhousing
clutch flywheel pressure plate
clutch master cylinder /w clutch reservoir gm# 12565144
slave cylinder /w throw out bearing
pilot bearing
shift knob
center console insert
leather shift boot
lower shift boot
vss if tranny doesnt come with one gm#12523306 (96-02)
t-5 torque arm bracket/mount gm# 10252374 and 10252375 ( need both) 94-02
t5 cross member gm# 10269725 (98-02)
clutch pedal assm gm# 10298616 (99-02)
new pcm or a pcm reflash
lots of new bolts
reverse lights switch leads gm# 12085485 (94-02)
clutch safety switch gm# 14094368 (96-02) /w pigtail leads gm#12102690 (96-02)
rec new tranny mount (Im using the 1le mount)
wire connectors
small amount of extra wire
more pictures to come when i get my camera back from my stupid sister.
1. First of course you will need to get the car up on jacks, the higher the better. Also disconnect the battery just in case.
2. Once the car is jacked up you will need to take off the torque arm, followed by the drive shaft.
To remove the torque arm there are 2 long bolts with nuts on each end located on the rear end. after removing these, remove the torque arm bracket attached to the trans. Just follow the torque arm to where it connects to the tans and you will see it, Should remove with 2-3 bolts. Next there are 4 bolts attaching the drive shaft to the rear end. Remove these and the drive shaft should pull out from the trans.
3. Next you will need to remove the actual trans from the engine, this is the fun part. Start inside the car and remove the center console. Put the car in first, there is a staple holding the shift knob on. Take a small flat head screw driver and take it out and remove the knob. Next there are 2 7mm bolts under the coin holder in the arm rest. Take those off and the shifter plate will come off. Then there are about 8 10mm bolts holding the center console in place. 2 are in the bottom of the armrest, 2 are on either side of the console (one by the cupholder and oppisite side of it), and the rest are located next to or on the shifter assm. Once the center console is off unbolt the shifter and you can either cut the shifter cable and brake release cable or find where they are connected and disconnect them. I choose to cut them and then i removed the shifter assm.
Remove all the bolts you can from the underside of the bellhousing. They are 18mm i belive. When you get to the the bolts that are too hard to reach you will need to unbolt the cross member from the car. It is located in the back and bottom of the trans. Place a jack under this so when you unbolt it the trans will not fall. There are 4 bolts each are 15mm i believe.
When you unbolt the cross member onto the jack, you will need to slightly lower the jack. When you do this the trans will tilt back allowing you to get to the higher up bolts. The best way to get these bolts off is by using a 4 foot long extension and getting the bolts out from behind the trans.
There should also be 2 trans mounts on either side of the trans connecting the trans to the engine. For some reason my car did not have these.
When all the bolts are removed it is time to pry the tranns away from the engine. The easist way to do this i found is get a type of crowbar and stick it between the engine and the trans and push very hard. But be very carful once the trans is pushed far enough away, the trans will fall out and you DONT want it to fall on you (ITS HEAVY!!!) Also make sure all the connectors are off of the trans before letting it fall.