HELP lost overdrive,clicking under load! - Message Board


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HELP lost overdrive,clicking under load!

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  • HELP lost overdrive,clicking under load!

    While driving to school today i was getting a loud ticking noise under load, it almost sounded like an exhaust leak but then i realized i had no overdrive,i stopped the car for a minute and when i started out again it was back with no ticking,im not sure if OD wasnt there or it just wasnt locking,when i tappped the brake the rpms didnt go up and it the tach was at about 2400rpms at the speed when it is usually 2000rpms, any help would be great,i dont have money to fix things that arnt broke so i wanna try and get it right.thxfor the help.

  • #2
    Re: HELP lost overdrive,clicking under load!

    what does that have to do with my question??


    • #3
      Re: HELP lost overdrive,clicking under load!

      Do you have all the other gears? 1st,2nd,3rd, reverse? there is a planetary gear the probably broke in the tranny. If you lost 3rd and 4th, probably the drum? there is a heavy duty drum made, and even if it's not broke and you need your tranny rebuilt, replace it anyway. It's worth the $60 part to do it.


      • #4
        Re: HELP lost overdrive,clicking under load!

        yeah all the other gears are there and work fine,and actually on the way home from school the car worked great!! all gears and it seems to have more pull then it ever did, could this have been somthing stuck in the valve body that freed itself?? and what was with the clicking under load? it was an awfull sound.and i find it hard to believe it fixed itself and that i saw the last of this.


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