93 Camaro, car won't start, clicking noise coming from this box. Located between the accelerator pedal and the a/c blower motor, in the vicinity of the radio but more toward the firewall:

Wires coming from it are pink, blue, red, brown, and I think two other wires.
I thought it was the Passkey II Theft Deterrent Module but those have 8 wires coming from it, and they're different colors (no red, brown, or pink), so now I'm not sure if that's it.
Thanks for any help!

Wires coming from it are pink, blue, red, brown, and I think two other wires.
I thought it was the Passkey II Theft Deterrent Module but those have 8 wires coming from it, and they're different colors (no red, brown, or pink), so now I'm not sure if that's it.
Thanks for any help!