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Alarm System Issues

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  • Alarm System Issues

    So i don't have a key pad to arm my car so i just hit the lock button and close the doors and when i unlock the car with my key i just need to put the key in the ignition before like 10 seconds before the alarm goes off. ( But last night it started when ever i close my door with out locking it or anything the next time i open the door in like 5 seconds ((with out the car being locked)) the alarm goes off. What could be the problem ??? Really need help with this thanks.

  • #2
    Re: Alarm System Issues

    Sounds like passive arming might be active. That's something you can change in programming mode (take out the radio fuse, close door, key on, off, and on, the doors lock and unlock to confirm programming mode, and check the manual for the specifics on passive arming). I've got two factory remotes I believe if you need one. Programming them is cake.
    1996 Chevrolet Camaro
    1995 Buick Park Avenue Ultra
    --Appearance Moderator--


    • #3
      Re: Alarm System Issues

      Originally posted by TheGr8Schlotzky View Post
      Sounds like passive arming might be active. That's something you can change in programming mode (take out the radio fuse, close door, key on, off, and on, the doors lock and unlock to confirm programming mode, and check the manual for the specifics on passive arming). I've got two factory remotes I believe if you need one. Programming them is cake.
      O ok thanks ill try that.

      Yeah if i could have that remote that would be awesome. How could i get it could you ship it?


      • #4
        Re: Alarm System Issues

        k well i tryed what you said and it didnt work. fuse out, door shut, key on, key off, key on lock , pretty sure thats right. And i dont have the stock manuel it didnt come with the car.

        so what should i do now ??


        • #5
          Re: Alarm System Issues

          k i looked it up online and some how i programmed in mode 4 and it needed to be in mode 2. Thanks alot this was really bugging me.:tup:

          Can i still have that remote. :drool:


          • #6
            Re: Alarm System Issues

            Both of mine are the 4 button remotes which usually go for more online. They go for 30-40 bucks a piece on eBay depending on condition. Since it's here, I can do 15+ship for the one I have that the words on the buttons are almost completely gone, or 25+ship for the one I have that all of the words are perfect.
            1996 Chevrolet Camaro
            1995 Buick Park Avenue Ultra
            --Appearance Moderator--


            • #7
              Re: Alarm System Issues

              Originally posted by TheGr8Schlotzky View Post
              Both of mine are the 4 button remotes which usually go for more online. They go for 30-40 bucks a piece on eBay depending on condition. Since it's here, I can do 15+ship for the one I have that the words on the buttons are almost completely gone, or 25+ship for the one I have that all of the words are perfect.
              O ok is their anyway you could post pictures of both so i could decide which one? Also how would i give you the money.And You could probably just ship it in a envelope huh?

              And what does it take to program these?


              • #8
                Re: Alarm System Issues

                Paypal would definitely be the easiest. If you don't have it already I'd suggest getting it; you can link it to a credit card or bank account. Most the sellers on ebay only accept it and it's useful for times like these too.

                Yes, shipping will be in a padded envelope.

                To program, you just enter programming mode like i talked about and when the car confirms programming mode, you hold down lock and unlock buttons on the remote simultaneously for 3-5 seconds and the car locks and unlocks again to confirm the remote has successfully been programmed.

                1996 Chevrolet Camaro
                1995 Buick Park Avenue Ultra
                --Appearance Moderator--


                • #9
                  Re: Alarm System Issues

                  Originally posted by TheGr8Schlotzky View Post
                  Paypal would definitely be the easiest. If you don't have it already I'd suggest getting it; you can link it to a credit card or bank account. Most the sellers on ebay only accept it and it's useful for times like these too.

                  Yes, shipping will be in a padded envelope.

                  To program, you just enter programming mode like i talked about and when the car confirms programming mode, you hold down lock and unlock buttons on the remote simultaneously for 3-5 seconds and the car locks and unlocks again to confirm the remote has successfully been programmed.

                  hey ill just PM you now k


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