Dunno which model it is. It came with my car. Its got keyless entry, starter kill. I dunno if i pressed a combination of the wrong button or what, but now it wont arm. When you shut the drivers door the LED light blinks and if you dont arm it by remote, after about 30 seconds it arms itself. Now it wont passive arm or even arm with the remote. The keyless entry still works though. Basically, you press the I button and it either arms and locks the doors, or press it again and it disarms and unlocks the doors. Now it just does the doors. No chirp or anything. Panic still works if you hold the I key. Only use ive found for the II key is if you press it before you arm it, it will arm without chirping. But thats not it, it doesnt arm at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 2 button transmitter by the way.