CB RADIO -or- Scanner??? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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CB RADIO -or- Scanner???

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  • CB RADIO -or- Scanner???

    Which would work better? A handheld CB radio, or a handheld scanner? With a CB you could listen to the truckers, but with a scanner, you could listen directly to the police. I already have a good BEL laser/radar detector, but even with it, you gotta really stomp on the brake to get slowed down enough if one suprises you. Just looking for some input... So throw me your 2 pennies. I had this listed in the Lounge but it got closed, because they said I was bashing police. Well I apologize for bashing anyone but I just want to know which would work better on a long trip or which one would just plain work better?
    99 Black Convertible Bird<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/1blackbird\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/1blackbird</a> <p>Whisper lid, K&N, raised airbox, removed MAF screen, American thunder cat-back w/resonator, gatorback belts, mirror tinted windows, tons of Streetglow neon,PAC-OEM1, RFPower550s pushing Polk 12\" GNX-124s, Cobra Esd-9210 laser/radar detector, when i get more bills, i\'ll get some real mods...

  • #2
    I would get a police scanner if it wasnt illegal in Michigan.
    They are alot of fun.
    1997 Camaro Y87. Turbo.<br /><a href=\"http://pureoctaneracing.net/\" target=\"_blank\">Pure Octane Racing</a>


    • #3
      you could always try one of the radar/laser jammers. most of them will pay the ticket (assuming your less than 20% over the limit).

      I would do CB, scanners will let you know what the police are saying, but you gotta read through the "lingo". Truckers tend to just say "he's on I-5 at mile marker 243" and you can use a CB to call for help too.
      Not a problem, just a challenge...


      • #4
        With the scanner you typically have to keep programing in the frequencies, or keep scanning randomly, which means you will get a lot of junk you don't want. I have a scanner now, but hardly use it because I would rather listen to music.

        If you do choose to get a scanner, check out the BearTracker BCT-10 on ebay. It has local police/highway patrol/weather channels for all 50 states and Canada programmed into it, but you can't put any new frequencies into it. Plus it alerts you when a highway patrol officier is outside of their vehicle. That's basically what I use mine for. CBs are fun though too.
        <a href=\"http://www.fatninjas.com/camaro\" target=\"_blank\">\'96 Camaro Convertible</a>


        • #5
          Id like to have a CB to yack back and forth to buddies and what not, we used to do that in an old car club of mine with 2 mile radios.

          Weather and police info would be nice too
          <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/1998firebird\" target=\"_blank\">Red 1998 Firebird</a>


          • #6
            Thanks for all the input guys. I think i'll go with a CB then. Anyone know what I should look for when buying one? Are they all pretty much the same? I'm new to the whole CB thing, so I dont know much about them.Are they hard to use? thanks again
            99 Black Convertible Bird<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/1blackbird\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/1blackbird</a> <p>Whisper lid, K&N, raised airbox, removed MAF screen, American thunder cat-back w/resonator, gatorback belts, mirror tinted windows, tons of Streetglow neon,PAC-OEM1, RFPower550s pushing Polk 12\" GNX-124s, Cobra Esd-9210 laser/radar detector, when i get more bills, i\'ll get some real mods...


            • #7
              Cb's are exceptionally easy to use. I would suggest getting a magnetic external antenna for longer trips though. You can plug into your unit and get better distance (your short antenna is limited depending on weather and terrain). Simple models have only 2 knobs, a volume (duh) and a squelch (you turn this so until you don't here static anymore, it basically tunes out all frequencies below a certain point so that only strong waves are received - basically you'll only here anything when people talk.) More complex models have other features, but do basically the same thing. I get a cobra brand if I were you (just personal experience on relaibility speaking on that one), they are as cheap as any of the others.

              If you have any other questions, feel free to drop me an e-mail.
              Not a problem, just a challenge...


              • #8
                CB"s are nice! I bought one from a pawn shop for car when we moved but it was a POS and had like 100 yards range on it so I yanked it out. I use the one in my truck all the time.

                I'd like to have both, actually..... but IIRC scanners are illegal to have in the car in some states.

                <b>Trucks</b> <br />\'05 Dodge 3500 Dually <i>Cummins Turbo Diesel</i><br />\'98 Dodge 2500 4x4 <i>360 V8 (Wife\'s)</i><br /><b>Toys</b><br />\'81 Chevy K10 <i>Stroker/Swampers/Custom Suspension/1-Tons/Beadlocks</i><br />\'99 Camaro Z28 <i>6 Spd, T-tops, Borla</i><br /><br /><b>Real trucks don\'t have spark plugs</b>


                • #9
                  CB's are fun especially for me since I have no radio :( ....however I hae the luxury of both a scanner and a CB...its cool to listen to the cops sometimes, as they're chasing people and such....

                  "Money can't buy me happiness, but I'm happiest when I can buy what I want"
                  05' CTS-V
                  00' Camaro - SOLD :(


                  • #10
                    I would get a CB and a radar detector. My friend that travels a lot says CB's work good for letting you know if there's a cop ahead. The some truckers say something when they pass a cop. With just a scanner, you wouldn't know where the cops even is. Plus you can screw with truckers with a CB [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] Just don't let them figure out what car your in.
                    <a href=\"http://pics.projectpredator.com/thumbnails.php?album=16\" target=\"_blank\">2003 Zinc Yellow Mustang GT</a> 1 of 701<br />ET : TBD<br />But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun! Yeah, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic. Which... makes t


                    • #11
                      I'm with Pike, I've heard good things about the Cobras, planning on getting one soon.
                      1995 Nissan Hardbody King cab XE, 5-speed, 4 banger<p>Looking for the right Camaro...


                      • #12
                        Do you think an external antenna, like one that mounts on your windshield, is a nessicity? How much range can you get with the stock one? Those big honkin antennas are ugly suckers, i dont know if i want one on my bird...
                        99 Black Convertible Bird<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/1blackbird\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/1blackbird</a> <p>Whisper lid, K&N, raised airbox, removed MAF screen, American thunder cat-back w/resonator, gatorback belts, mirror tinted windows, tons of Streetglow neon,PAC-OEM1, RFPower550s pushing Polk 12\" GNX-124s, Cobra Esd-9210 laser/radar detector, when i get more bills, i\'ll get some real mods...


                        • #13
                          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by camaro_speedemon:
                          Plus you can screw with truckers with a CB [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] Just don't let them figure out what car your in.<hr></blockquote>

                          [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] the movie, Joyride [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img]
                          ~Derrick <a href=\"http://www.appstate.edu/~do54457/\" target=\"_blank\"><i>My Webpage</i></a><br /><b>\'96 3.8L V6 M5 Firebird Y87</b> | <b>162.8 RWHP</b> / <b>196.7 RWTQ</b> <br /><b>•</b> SLP CAI <b>•</b> <a href=\"http://tech.firebirdv6.com/y87.html\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Y87</b> Package</a> - 3.23s <b>•</b> 180º thermo w/ fan switch <b>•</b> TB spacer from DEE<br />1991 Jeep Cherokee Laredo 4x4


                          • #14
                            My suggestion on the antenna would be to purchase one of the magnetic mounted low profile rubber ones that are ~"12 tall (put some felt on the bottom if its not already to keep from scratching your paint). The will give you the best reception and you can take it down when not in use (because yes, they are noticeable when they are out). Just runt the cord through you T-top or trunk.

                            WOuldn't advise the window mount because those type ant's don't work as well as they should. There's a big long technical explination for this, but the short and skinny is - those low freq waves don't work that way.
                            Not a problem, just a challenge...


                            • #15
                              hey BillyCobin, i have the same exact bct-10 scanner. i agree that it is really nice, but how do you get it to alarm you when a state trooper is outside the vehicle. i have driven past a couple that were like this and there was no beep.

                              Its also a pain finding the correct local station. every time i go to press a button on it i accidentally hit the hold and loose my saved freequency


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