Hey guys,
Just wondering if any of you car stereo pro's might be able to help me out with a quick question I've got. The other day, I bought a 2 farad capacitor to hook up to my amp so I don't tax my electrical system when my bass hits hard (I got tired of the lights dimming)
Anyways, I'm going to have the cap installed tomorrow, and I was just wondering...is there any extra wiring I'm going to need for it to be installed or does it just hook up in line with the amp? I asked them at Circuit City (where I bought the cap) and they were in a rush, wouldn't give me a definite answer. Just wondering if any of you guys could clarify what is necessary for it to get installed.
Just wondering if any of you car stereo pro's might be able to help me out with a quick question I've got. The other day, I bought a 2 farad capacitor to hook up to my amp so I don't tax my electrical system when my bass hits hard (I got tired of the lights dimming)
Anyways, I'm going to have the cap installed tomorrow, and I was just wondering...is there any extra wiring I'm going to need for it to be installed or does it just hook up in line with the amp? I asked them at Circuit City (where I bought the cap) and they were in a rush, wouldn't give me a definite answer. Just wondering if any of you guys could clarify what is necessary for it to get installed.