Well, I got a lcd screen in my visor, and I have a old style playstation.
It fit nicley under the dash, above the passenger side footwell. And was hardley visiable from the outside. I fabricated a rack with a hinge so I could tilt it down to access the cd tray, and the rack was spring loaded to raise up. But when I put it all together it doesn't fit as snuggly as I want it to. So I want to redesign it.
Where should I mount the playstation?
I don't want to make major permenent modifacations to the interior that cannot be easily reversed. And it has to be easy to access from the drivers seat.
Give me some ideas?
[ May 21, 2003: Message edited by: PewterBird ]</p>
It fit nicley under the dash, above the passenger side footwell. And was hardley visiable from the outside. I fabricated a rack with a hinge so I could tilt it down to access the cd tray, and the rack was spring loaded to raise up. But when I put it all together it doesn't fit as snuggly as I want it to. So I want to redesign it.
Where should I mount the playstation?
I don't want to make major permenent modifacations to the interior that cannot be easily reversed. And it has to be easy to access from the drivers seat.
Give me some ideas?
[ May 21, 2003: Message edited by: PewterBird ]</p>