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CDT Stagefront Kit

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  • CDT Stagefront Kit

    I have heard nothing but good things about the new stagefront kits from CDT. However, I havent heard a setup in real life. Has anyone heard a setup with this incorporated into it? I was thinking about getting a set for my eurosports. Thanks Fellas.

    \'93 Red 3.4L Camaro<br />Engine: Jet II, Pacesetters, K&N FIPK, Accel Wires, Iridium Plugs, Flowmaster, ASP U/D, 180 Thermo, much more...<br /><br />\'98 Z28 Vert Triple Black A4 Stock for now<br />34000 Miles<br /><br />Not enough room in the sig for my stereo.

  • #2
    Matt, I heard it being used with a set of DLS Iridium 6.3' sounds FANTASTIC! I have the IEK (image enhancement kit) from CDT and I like it alot, but I would definitely get the StageFront kit over the IE kit anyday. It's a shame I ordered my IE kit within 2 weeks from when they introduced the StageFront kit. Oh well, I'll live.
    Eclipse 8443, CDT ES-620s in doors (Clarion APX401.2), IEK, CDT 6X in rear(HU), Image Dynamics ID10v.3D.4 in stealthbox(Clarion DPX1001.2)<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />borla cat-back, FTRA, whisper lid


    • #3
      Larry, how did I know that you would be the one to help me out :D Well it looks like im gonna get the stagefront kit along with a pair of es600 mids since I blew one of the other ones :mad: Ill let you guys know how it sounds with the eurosport series.

      \'93 Red 3.4L Camaro<br />Engine: Jet II, Pacesetters, K&N FIPK, Accel Wires, Iridium Plugs, Flowmaster, ASP U/D, 180 Thermo, much more...<br /><br />\'98 Z28 Vert Triple Black A4 Stock for now<br />34000 Miles<br /><br />Not enough room in the sig for my stereo.


      • #4
        awesome, definitely a good the way, how'd u blow your 6"?
        Eclipse 8443, CDT ES-620s in doors (Clarion APX401.2), IEK, CDT 6X in rear(HU), Image Dynamics ID10v.3D.4 in stealthbox(Clarion DPX1001.2)<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />borla cat-back, FTRA, whisper lid


        • #5
          Man im still bitter about blowin the mid :mad: Well i was pushin it with my 300/2 and had the gains turned up high, it sounded awesome. So I let a girl drive my car and when I get it back the signal was clipped BAD, she messed with my deck settings and im pretty sure that the clipping blew it. never again....naver again :mad:

          \'93 Red 3.4L Camaro<br />Engine: Jet II, Pacesetters, K&N FIPK, Accel Wires, Iridium Plugs, Flowmaster, ASP U/D, 180 Thermo, much more...<br /><br />\'98 Z28 Vert Triple Black A4 Stock for now<br />34000 Miles<br /><br />Not enough room in the sig for my stereo.


          • #6
            Oh and BTW, Larry if your interested in the stagefront or need any other CDT gear just let me know I can get it for cheap with a warranty.

            \'93 Red 3.4L Camaro<br />Engine: Jet II, Pacesetters, K&N FIPK, Accel Wires, Iridium Plugs, Flowmaster, ASP U/D, 180 Thermo, much more...<br /><br />\'98 Z28 Vert Triple Black A4 Stock for now<br />34000 Miles<br /><br />Not enough room in the sig for my stereo.


            • #7
              Freeser! Welcome back!

              what kind of deal are we talking about on the CDT's?
              ╓<br />║ Matt M<br />║ <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Down with the Sixxness</a> <br />║ Polo Green 1995 3.8 Camaro<br />║ intake, cat, catback, shocks, 3.42\'s, and 12\'s in the trunk<br />╙


              • #8
                Thanks 1101, ive been gone for a while now im back :D Drop me an email as to what your lookin for and ill see what kind of prices I can get ya.

                \'93 Red 3.4L Camaro<br />Engine: Jet II, Pacesetters, K&N FIPK, Accel Wires, Iridium Plugs, Flowmaster, ASP U/D, 180 Thermo, much more...<br /><br />\'98 Z28 Vert Triple Black A4 Stock for now<br />34000 Miles<br /><br />Not enough room in the sig for my stereo.


                • #9
                  Matt, good looks with the deal. I hope everything goes well for you. And by the way, that sux about letting someone f*ck with your stereo! Are you using the Eclipse 8443 deck? I think I remember you talking about that as a possibility.
                  Eclipse 8443, CDT ES-620s in doors (Clarion APX401.2), IEK, CDT 6X in rear(HU), Image Dynamics ID10v.3D.4 in stealthbox(Clarion DPX1001.2)<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />borla cat-back, FTRA, whisper lid


                  • #10
                    Actually I am using an older model panasonic deck. (df801u) You just ruin my next post though cause after im done with this install of the stagefront and the mids im gonna look into another deck. Im looking at the 8443, the Alpine 9835, and the Panasonic C9800U. Also are you running your your eurosports with reverse polarity in the doors Larry? I was thinking about taking that approach to broaden the front soundstage.

                    btw I got the mids for 250 shipped w/5 year warranty and the stagefront kit for 90 shipped w/3 year warranty.

                    \'93 Red 3.4L Camaro<br />Engine: Jet II, Pacesetters, K&N FIPK, Accel Wires, Iridium Plugs, Flowmaster, ASP U/D, 180 Thermo, much more...<br /><br />\'98 Z28 Vert Triple Black A4 Stock for now<br />34000 Miles<br /><br />Not enough room in the sig for my stereo.


                    • #11
                      No, I've been running everything normal. I've just been using the time alignment on my Eclipse 8443 to give me a really nice stage and imaging. I've had a few people with far superior equipment get mad at themselves because they thought mine sounded a whole let better for a lot less money. I've never entered a competition, so I don't know how it would score, but everyone that's heard my car said I should compete without me even mentioning competing. Basically I'm just telling you I higly recommend the eclipse unit. LOL - sorry for the rambling
                      Eclipse 8443, CDT ES-620s in doors (Clarion APX401.2), IEK, CDT 6X in rear(HU), Image Dynamics ID10v.3D.4 in stealthbox(Clarion DPX1001.2)<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />borla cat-back, FTRA, whisper lid


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Freeser:
                        Im looking at the 8443, the Alpine 9835, and the Panasonic C9800U.
                        I forget if you were around when I was swapping out my deck. Check this post out for the details. The bottom line is that Alpine is off my "recommended manufacturers" list.
                        ╓<br />║ Matt M<br />║ <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Down with the Sixxness</a> <br />║ Polo Green 1995 3.8 Camaro<br />║ intake, cat, catback, shocks, 3.42\'s, and 12\'s in the trunk<br />╙


                        • #13
                          Well all my stuff came in a few days ago and today is my day off so its time for the install. So far i have torn everything apart and temp wired all the components so that I can mess around with imaging. I am very impressed how it sounds so far. I really didnt expect that much of an improvement over the original es-620, but so far I have been proven wrong.

                          \'93 Red 3.4L Camaro<br />Engine: Jet II, Pacesetters, K&N FIPK, Accel Wires, Iridium Plugs, Flowmaster, ASP U/D, 180 Thermo, much more...<br /><br />\'98 Z28 Vert Triple Black A4 Stock for now<br />34000 Miles<br /><br />Not enough room in the sig for my stereo.


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