Ok, im getting ready to sell mosst of my system [img]graemlins/banana.gif[/img] and start over. I'm going to try to hit 150 dB's with one sub instead of 2 and less power. I will be selling my audiobahn 1205q subs, audiobahn a2300hcq amp, audiobahn a6004t amp and the box. I am going to buy 2 phoenix gold octane R amps the 5.0:4 and the 15.0:1. The 4 channel with be powering my kicker componets and my pioneer rear speakers at 80 per channel and the mono amp with be powering my Orion H2 12.4 sub at 1500 watts in a 1.5 cu ft ported box tuned to 28 hz. the puts me at 1820 watts down from 2700 watts rms. This should be a lot cleaner and hopfully louder if I get the box right. what do you guys think?
No announcement yet.
Changing the stereo again. LOOK!
A friend of mine is a ex world record holder for his class ( i forget which class) but he does like a 153.XX with (2) 18'' subs being pushed by huge Memphis amps.
The port in that van is so big you can walk through it, and the vans doors are filled with concrete and it also has a concrete floor to help with deadening.
I would say go for it, but if your planning for 150 on the dash your going to need a lot of power going to that one sub and use up your whole hatch.
tune the port fz higher you mean? I know those numbers are going to be hard because of the mic's they use, beause I have had my setup metered twice both done in the passenger side floor, The first time with the old mic I hit 149.3, now I just got metered again and only hit 144.6. I would think tho with the right box I can do you. Have you guys seen the specs on the sub or have you ever heard it? Its incredible!2005 Cavalier LS Sport M5<br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/firefighter8615\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/firefighter8615</a>
As good as some of their stuff has been, they've had HUGE problems over the last 2 years or so with their subs. The design was flawed from the beginning with their flat cone subs. I would stay away from them until you hear A LOT of good reviews about them.Eclipse 8443, CDT ES-620s in doors (Clarion APX401.2), IEK, CDT 6X in rear(HU), Image Dynamics ID10v.3D.4 in stealthbox(Clarion DPX1001.2)<br /><a href=\"http://www.sounddomain.com/id/larryfirebird33\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.sounddomain.com/id/larryfirebird33</a><br />borla cat-back, FTRA, whisper lid
Originally posted by LARRYfireBIRD33:
The design was flawed from the beginning with their flat cone subs.╓<br />║ Matt M<br />║ <a href=\"http://home.austin.rr.com/morrism/3800/sunset_logo2.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">Down with the Sixxness</a> <br />║ Polo Green 1995 3.8 Camaro<br />║ intake, cat, catback, shocks, 3.42\'s, and 12\'s in the trunk<br />╙
If you really want to know everything (which i did), read this thread: http://forum.elitecaraudio.com/showt...threadid=95112 . More likely than not you will have to become a member of that forum...sorry about that. This thread does talk about many of the problems they've had. I actually ordered an eD 10A.22 back in January. It never ran right, and wasn't at all in good looking shape. The entire magnet was full of scratches (which apparently is common with eD subs). I will say this, the guy who runs that business is Ben. He is a nice guy and has answered some tough questions with regards to eD. He was very compliant in issuing me a full refund and he even paid for me to ship the sub back to him. Take that for what it's worth and make your own decisions. These news subs are designed differently than the flat cones, so for all I know they may be AMAZING. I have heard some non-defective A series subs that blew me away. That is why I bought it. Enough said I hope.Eclipse 8443, CDT ES-620s in doors (Clarion APX401.2), IEK, CDT 6X in rear(HU), Image Dynamics ID10v.3D.4 in stealthbox(Clarion DPX1001.2)<br /><a href=\"http://www.sounddomain.com/id/larryfirebird33\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.sounddomain.com/id/larryfirebird33</a><br />borla cat-back, FTRA, whisper lid
Originally posted by LARRYfireBIRD33:
If you really want to know everything (which i did), read this thread: http://forum.elitecaraudio.com/showt...threadid=95112 . More likely than not you will have to become a member of that forum...sorry about that.
I'm aware of the recent eD issues, but most of the complaints have been about product availability because Ben's cone supplier was flaking out on him. The new supplier is providing a more standard cone and the v2.0 series has woven tinsel leads to eliminate the slap problem that people were complaining about.
The flat cone design was opted for because shear stress at the triple-joint is eliminated. After watching my Vegas, my Extremes, and my IDQ's tear where the cone and spider meet, a raised cone landing sounds like the best idea ever. I'll let you know if I have any problems with my v1.0 K-series 12's. ;)
Scratched magnets is a new one to me. Are you talking about the paint or the metal itself? I'll have to keep an ear out.
In the meantime, I'm keeping eD on my "recommend" list. Their small-enclosure performance is still unparalleled for the $100 price-range class.╓<br />║ Matt M<br />║ <a href=\"http://home.austin.rr.com/morrism/3800/sunset_logo2.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">Down with the Sixxness</a> <br />║ Polo Green 1995 3.8 Camaro<br />║ intake, cat, catback, shocks, 3.42\'s, and 12\'s in the trunk<br />╙
ED is crap, ID is crap, Adire is crap, Alpine is crap, and Eclipse is crap! When are you guy gonna learn! JL rules!!!!! :D For those that can't tell I am jokin around. Anyway I have heard quite a few flat cones and I like the sound of them, as a matter of fact i waws gonna buy a set but thats when they were having problems with the cone suppiers so the a series were back ordered. I'm a member of ECA but I havent been keepin up lately so I found it all pretty interesting. 1101 I am curious to know how the new v1.0's sound so let me know.
Matt\'93 Red 3.4L Camaro<br />Engine: Jet II, Pacesetters, K&N FIPK, Accel Wires, Iridium Plugs, Flowmaster, ASP U/D, 180 Thermo, much more...<br /><br />\'98 Z28 Vert Triple Black A4 Stock for now<br />34000 Miles<br /><br />Not enough room in the sig for my stereo.
Originally posted by Freeser:
1101 I am curious to know how the new v1.0's sound so let me know.
Seriously though, I'm real happy with them. The IDQ's that I was running beforehand were damn efficient, but they never sounded very musical -- just kind of a one-note sub. Plus the cone material was developing radial stretch marks after only a year of service. I was really getting tired of wearing out triple-joints on all the subs I'd run over the years, so I thought a flat cone might solve it. I'll let you know if my hunch is right in about 12 months.
In the meantime, these little K-series subs sound great. They're just a fantastic match for small airspace enclosures and moderately powered amps. (I'm running in a bridged 400x1 mode.)
The v2.0 models are a tradeoff. They've switched to an assembled basket instead of a cast one, so it's not as solid, but they've added some stabilizing components to avoid cone rocking during long excursions. They've fixed the lead slap problem but gone back to a triple-joint solution for the cone/spider joint. I'm sure it's still a good sub, maybe even improved sonic performance. I'm just concerned about the long-term reliability. Time will tell though.╓<br />║ Matt M<br />║ <a href=\"http://home.austin.rr.com/morrism/3800/sunset_logo2.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">Down with the Sixxness</a> <br />║ Polo Green 1995 3.8 Camaro<br />║ intake, cat, catback, shocks, 3.42\'s, and 12\'s in the trunk<br />╙
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