speakers on one side don't work - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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speakers on one side don't work

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  • speakers on one side don't work

    to make a long story short i noticed my speakers on the passenger side(both front and rear seat) weren't working so my friend and i installed a new amp. we hooked everything up and all the speakers worked fine. i was driving around and changed cd's, then all my speakers went out. i pulled the fuse under the hood and put it back in and only the speakers on the driver side are working again. any idea what would cause one side to not work?

    i know all the connections to the amp are fine. my guess is either the speakers are blown or the connections to the speakers aren't good. i don't know a whole lot about stereos so let me know what you think. thanks
    94 Firebird - Red A4<br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/predatorbird\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/predatorbird</a>

  • #2
    Check fuse on amp?

    Check the connections on the speakers and let us know.
    \"everything i own is for sale....... at the right price....\"


    • #3
      could be a grounded speaker, but normally all speakers stop working but if you have it running thru a 4 channel possibly a bad channel on the amp, or possibly bad rca's on the headunit

      Old people shouldnt use the internet.


      • #4
        try and take a AA battery, and take some speaker wire about 6 inches long and tape a bare peice of the wire to each side of the battery,.. and then put one of the wires on the neg connection and one on the positive connection on the speaker.. the speaker should make a quiet popping sound and that will determine whether the speaker is good or not - "popping the speakers"

        Old people shouldnt use the internet.


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