8 hrs, still not working. PLEASE HELP - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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8 hrs, still not working. PLEASE HELP

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  • 8 hrs, still not working. PLEASE HELP

    Hi there,

    A few months ago I gathered all the information I could on installing the DEI 530t window module. Today we began the installation and put in about 8 hours worth of work until we tested it and now we are stuck.

    Right now, we have a relay setup to avoid the windows rolling up and down when the lock/unlock button is pressed from inside the car. We did this by tapping into the guage fuse, so when the ignition is on/gauges on it won't allow the windows to roll up. This is somewhat working, although more testing needs to be done. If possible, more information regarding any relays used in installing this would be much appreciated.

    On to the main problem. With the new 2nd unlock channel, the windows roll down fine with 2 presses of unlock, and both doors unlock with one single press. However, when lock is pressed, only the alarm is armed and the windows do not move. We wired the ORANGE wire from the DEI into the relay, then into the negative lock pulse to avoid the windows going up when lock is pressed from the inside of the car. Should the orange wire be connected to Factory Arm instead of a negative lock pulse? We are completely lost as to why this doesn't work. Also, where can we find a ground when the alarm is armed?

    I apologize for posting this on multiple boards as I am aware most are members on many different ones, however we desperately need some quick help and appreciate any information or suggestions anyone can provide.

    Thanks so much.

    Take care,

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