98+ gauge cluster swap - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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98+ gauge cluster swap

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  • 98+ gauge cluster swap

    And before anyone says it, i did a search!

    The v8 cluster swap for the 98+'s.....Some say it can be done, others say it can't. I need a definite answer 'cuz I got a cluster from a 2000 LS1 auto that need to be installed. Has anyone actually done it? If so, how? Be specific in your answer.
    2000 3.8L Firebird, Silver Metallic<br /><br />\"Yes, London. You know, fish, chips, cup o\' tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary f***in\' Poppins, London!!\"

  • #2
    I did....as long as its from the same year it should work. Search again...I have posted at least twice in this forum and others have posted in the general forum. The only thing that will be off is the tach. You can order a tach adjuster from dakota digital or do some research and figure out which resistor to change on the cluster. My "ASR OFF" light was on as well but I just painted over the inside of the cluster so it can't be seen. Other than that everything works great.
    <a href=\"http://www.onid.orst.edu/~waltejam/\" target=\"_blank\">98 Bright Red Camaro</a><br />Too many mods to list....check my website


    • #3
      i think you need to search in the general forum. it ould reveil alot ;)

      no, the only thing off is not just the tach [img]graemlins/stickpoke.gif[/img] im pretty sure the speedo will also be off which will need to be fixed and finally, the oil pressure will be off and it cant be fixed. i recommend getting an oil pressure gauge to check on it cause if you notice in the general forum, people have problems with their oil from time to time ;)
      2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


      • #4
        Yeah i did this on my 98 and used a 98 ls1 cluster b/c I have heard thats the only way u can do it (same year). speedy v6 is right the tach is the only thing that is really off i believe its because the v8 uses every other cylinder (4) for the tach and v6 uses all 6. so its off by 1.5 too high. ASR light comes on and i think the gas gage is very slightly off but not enough to need fixed. if u already have the cluster just go for it and if it doesnt work just put the old one back in, but i cant imagine it being any diffrent from the 98's.
        <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/ukwildcats00\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/ukwildcats00</a> <br />Mods are on the site.


        • #5
          I knew about the tach and all....basically my only concern is the odometer. I've heard that the odometer units can't be swapped from one cluster to another. How did you swing that one?
          2000 3.8L Firebird, Silver Metallic<br /><br />\"Yes, London. You know, fish, chips, cup o\' tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary f***in\' Poppins, London!!\"


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