Need help with a few questions - Message Board


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Need help with a few questions

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  • Need help with a few questions

    I have this sub:

    and its going to be powered by this amp:

    Ok now my questions. I am going to be building the box where my rear seats are because the box has to be a 2.4 cu. Ft. This will be my first attempt at a ported box and I have to have two ports and the ports have to be 3"x6.75" Now, it says the ports have to be tuned to 40 hz, how do you tune the ports? I tried searching but couldnt find anything.

    Also would it be a good idea to put the magnet outside to make it more show quality or will it ruin the sound of the sub?

    I had some more questions but my mind went blank so I will ask them later when I think of them. Thanks.
    <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">1995 Red 3.4L Camaro</a><br /></b><br />Dont laugh if you see me pushing, no reverse, tranny needs rebuild.

  • #2
    A box is tuned by varying the length of the ports. The longer the ports the lower the tune and vice verse. Before deciding on a tuning frequency, I must ask, what are you looking for from this sub? What type of music do you listen to most?

    Where did you get those port #'s from? A single rectangle shaped port would be far easier to build and far more effective. Go to and download WinISD Pro. This is a box designing program. It's pretty basic really. Go to database editing input the T/S specs of your sub. You can get those off the PA website or maybe from your owners manual. Play around a bit and you'll learn a lot.

    Or if you want to wait until Tues when I get back home, I'd be more then happy to do it for you. [img]smile.gif[/img] Either way, DO NOT rush and build the box unless you're certain of what you're doing. Damage to your subwoofer is possible. You want the best? Then take your time.
    Red 96' A4 Firebird
    Audio Audio and Autotek
    Check it out here!


    • #3
      Ok I will take a look at that. I got the port numbers from there website and from the manual I got with the sub.

      I will be using this sub for mostly rap music and will want it to hit hard.

      It will be about 2 weeks before I build the box I still have to get a Cap and a new car battery.


      Here is a quick copy and paste from there website.


      * 2400 watts power
      * 1200 Watts RMS
      * 270 oz. magnet
      * 3” BASV/Kapton Hybrid 18 AWG Voice Coil
      * SPL 90 dB
      * Fs: 36.7 Hz
      * Vas: 0.73 cu.ft.
      * Qms: 5.34
      * Qes: 0.36
      * Qts: 0.3363
      * Xmax: 0.7"
      * Sealed box: N/A
      * Ported box: 2.4 cu..Ft.
      * Tuning: 40 Hz
      * Port size: 3”(dia)x6.75”(length)
      * # of ports: 2
      <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">1995 Red 3.4L Camaro</a><br /></b><br />Dont laugh if you see me pushing, no reverse, tranny needs rebuild.


      • #4
        a single rectangular port isnt a port, its a Vent.
        a port is a circular hole in which a plastic port in depth controls the tune of the box in Hz

        Old people shouldnt use the internet.


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