Replacing the monsoon...(new setup, any tips?) - Message Board


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Replacing the monsoon...(new setup, any tips?)

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  • Replacing the monsoon...(new setup, any tips?)

    so what do you guys suggest, never been a huge stereo freak... but both doors, speakers, both mid speakers are out and the headunit bulbs are missing. And I have some speakers laying around.

    What do I need to do to put in a ok sound system? Money is a big issue. Don't need top of the line. Really interested on your opinions on this since I am not much of a stereo guy at all.

    is their a headunit you guys suggest? Preferably blue screeen [Smile] (I am such a women)

    Do I have to run new wiring, or can I reuse factory speaker stuff? Thought I have heard that and just splice in new speakers and the radio?

    I have 4 4-way Boston acoustic 6x9s, they are pretty nice. Is there a way I coudl hook them up? obviously in the sail panel, can I do anything with the doors? OR is MAJOR mofigication required? I am not afraid to do a little "trimming"

    4th I also have 2 4-way pioneer 6x9s... Is it possible to get them hooked up in the "cargo panels"

    Also what are some options on a small sub. Not looking for anything amazing just something to add a little base over the other speakers? Could I run an amp with 3 channels? Maybe put to speakers in the cargo area panels, and run one sub?

    Also really looking into making the sub hidden and not really seen or taking up space if possible. Just want base that is as much as the stock monsoon is.
    -Eric<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">2000 NBM V6 Camaro 5-speed</a> T-top <i>converted</i><br /><b>14.467@95.45mph</b> <i>$0 in mods</i><br /><i>The member formerly known as MustangEater8251</i>

  • #2
    hmm wel there are many options my suggestions are as follows:
    headunit: depending how much ya wanna spend check out my stereo pioneer premier 770mp(2005) they are about 150ish now on ebay new

    the 6 x 9's can work with modifications on the sail panels but the fron ALOT of modification i would suggest looking for a cheaper component set, or just some 6.5 up there would work too, and the cargo ones i believe 6 x 9's couls fit back there

    my guessis an 8in sub would be good enough for ya, with a subthump stealth box( i have it works great)


    many options here my opinion would be a 5 channel as this will prolly be the most expensive item here(always is) 4 channels to the front 4 and 1 to the sub

    or go with 2 cheaper amps:
    my audiobahn4004t is like 120 bucks on ebay works great!! as for a sub amp how many what do ya want rms? imo audiobahn makes decent cheap amps! if 200 watts rms is good enough for the sub then get a 2002 audiobahn(really cheap) and a 4004 audiobahn for the mids/highs!!

    LMK how much you have to spend OVERALL?
    firebird9611 will chime in im sure:

    headunit: 120-200(depending model)
    sub: you want nothin big, so 100-120
    amps: 200-400
    wiring: 30 bucks


    • #3
      I would recomend a Pioneer headunit.. the more expensive models come in blue though.

      For speakers its really up to you.. i have fairly inexpensive speakers in my car but they are so loud and clear. ( Pioneer 4way 6.5" )

      and for the wiring. you will need to rewire the speakers.. run new wires from the headunit to the actual speakers themselves.. the old speakers are dual voice coils and the new speakers are single.

      Old people shouldnt use the internet.


      • #4
        Some 6.5's dont fit in the stock door bracket. Both pair I have had have been too small. I'm thinking the round speakers are actually 6.75's.

        If youre going to invest in it, all you really need is some decent components up front and a sub. I have 2 polk momo coaxes in my doors amped and its all you really need.

        I recommend checking out polk's db series. Its their entry level speakers and the sound imo is greater than any other entry level speakers on the market. Polk is based more on sound quality rather than loudness, but it still gets loud enough.

        If you get amps for the front speakers you wont have to rewire from the new head unit, but from the amp. If you go the one amp route, I would say get a 4 channel amp (2 for front speakers, 2 bridged for sub). The bonus with this is if you ever decide to upgrade to a second amp, you can use the 4 channel to biamp the front speakers for even better sound. Biamping means that you would have a channel for each mid and a channel for each tweeter.

        Pioneer has great head units. I've had Aiwa, Panasonic, JVC, and Kenwood. From my experiences the pioneer has outlasted the other four and they offer better equalizing from the head unit than any of the other lower end units on the market.
        Stock \'98 silver \"RS\"


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