Typicall Color of a 12V source - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Typicall Color of a 12V source

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  • Typicall Color of a 12V source

    I'm trying to figure out where the 12v for the alternate 12v (cigar hole) would be and what color would it be?

    Can someone point me to the page in the haynes manual..

    If you don't know what i'm talking about its the (97+ interior) cigar thingy by the passangers right calf.

    EDIT: I'm talking about the wire color.

    [ February 26, 2003: Message edited by: JVT007 ]</p>

  • #2
    It wont be black [img]smile.gif[/img]
    2002 5-spd NBM Camaro
    Details: www.1lev6.com


    • #3
      possibly yellow or orange. That's the most likely color. You should probably get a test light and probe around to find the wire, much more accurate than me.
      Mike<br />\'99 Z28 LS1 (383 in the works) M6<br /><a href=\"http://members.fbody.com/drmilhouse/\" target=\"_blank\">stereo pics</a> Almost sold, the amps are still for sale - make an offer.<br /><a href=\"http://members.fbody.com/drmilhouse/paypal.html\" target=\"_blank\">Help Mike pay for his engine. Every dollar helps!</a>


      • #4
        <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dominic:
        It wont be black [img]smile.gif[/img] <hr></blockquote>

        lol... ur a llama [img]smile.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img]


        • #5
          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by DrMilhouse:
          possibly yellow or orange. That's the most likely color. You should probably get a test light and probe around to find the wire, much more accurate than me.<hr></blockquote>

          I was thinking yellow. well if I splice into and nothing happens I guess its wrong :-P I'll do some more reasearch [img]smile.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Go buy a voltmeter and check all the leads.
            1999 C5<br />2000 Ford Lightning<br /><i>Don\'t hate me because I\'m awesome</i>


            • #7
              <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JVT007:

              I was thinking yellow. well if I splice into and nothing happens I guess its wrong :-P I'll do some more reasearch [img]smile.gif[/img]

              Test your car this way. That would be great, then we could all laugh our asses off at you for being a complete retard when you come in saying you melted a harness or two. Seriously, get a test light or volt meter and test it. You were smart enough to come here and ask for information, don't be dumb and just start tapping in to wires.
              Mike<br />\'99 Z28 LS1 (383 in the works) M6<br /><a href=\"http://members.fbody.com/drmilhouse/\" target=\"_blank\">stereo pics</a> Almost sold, the amps are still for sale - make an offer.<br /><a href=\"http://members.fbody.com/drmilhouse/paypal.html\" target=\"_blank\">Help Mike pay for his engine. Every dollar helps!</a>


              • #8
                <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by DrMilhouse:

                Test your car this way. That would be great, then we could all laugh our asses off at you for being a complete retard when you come in saying you melted a harness or two. Seriously, get a test light or volt meter and test it. You were smart enough to come here and ask for information, don't be dumb and just start tapping in to wires.

                Jesus christ wtf is your problem did u not see I'll do some more research.. read before u shoot [img]graemlins/bs.gif[/img] out your mouth and insault someone... i was thankfull for helping me but never mind..

                don't u think that was a little harsh of u?? i mean I thought the :-P was enough for everyone to know I was kidding... even then I said i"ll do more reasearch.... y do people have to shoot off like that.. i know deep down your trying to help but that isn't the way to do it.

                anyways with the voltometer or howerver u spell it.. can u just touch it to the wire and find out? and does that alert u to only 12v power sources?

                [ February 27, 2003: Message edited by: JVT007 ]</p>


                • #9
                  what is this bash and leave in the dust?!?


                  • #10
                    I basically only post when I'm at work because I'm bored and I do that. Maybe you should consider that I have other things to keep me busy then making sure you aren't blowing up your car, before you go making assumptions that I have just ditched you. Besides, after reading your response, is there some reason why I should be eager to help you again? Heaven forbid you could take my post as a little "tongue in cheek" humor. :rolleyes:

                    Anyway, a multimeter should have a setting for a low range DC (direct current). This would be something like 20 (probably) with a dashed and solid line next to it. Or it will say something like 20VDC (20 volts DC). You'll need to set it for that setting. After choosing the correct setting, you'll need to put the black lead from the test wire on any ground source (any metal object that will have connection with the body/frame of the car - and thus the negative terminal of the battery). The red lead is what you'll use to make sure you have the correct wire.

                    I would suggest that you verify that you know what you're looking for by taking the multimeter and selecting what you feel to be the correct setting and then go directly to the battery and place the black lead on the negative terminal and the red wire on positive terminal. This should have the multimeter display something like about 12.something. After you know what you're looking for start checking the other wires in the car that you suspect will be the correct wire.

                    What are you hooking up anyway?
                    Mike<br />\'99 Z28 LS1 (383 in the works) M6<br /><a href=\"http://members.fbody.com/drmilhouse/\" target=\"_blank\">stereo pics</a> Almost sold, the amps are still for sale - make an offer.<br /><a href=\"http://members.fbody.com/drmilhouse/paypal.html\" target=\"_blank\">Help Mike pay for his engine. Every dollar helps!</a>


                    • #11
                      <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by DrMilhouse:

                      Test your car this way. That would be great, then we could all laugh our asses off at you for being a complete retard when you come in saying you melted a harness or two. Seriously, get a test light or volt meter and test it. You were smart enough to come here and ask for information, don't be dumb and just start tapping in to wires.

                      I like the cut of your jig.. .
                      1999 C5<br />2000 Ford Lightning<br /><i>Don\'t hate me because I\'m awesome</i>


                      • #12
                        <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by RSFireDog:

                        I like the cut of your jig.. .

                        I have no idea what you're saying or what you're referring to, sorry. [img]smile.gif[/img]
                        Mike<br />\'99 Z28 LS1 (383 in the works) M6<br /><a href=\"http://members.fbody.com/drmilhouse/\" target=\"_blank\">stereo pics</a> Almost sold, the amps are still for sale - make an offer.<br /><a href=\"http://members.fbody.com/drmilhouse/paypal.html\" target=\"_blank\">Help Mike pay for his engine. Every dollar helps!</a>


                        • #13
                          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by DrMilhouse:
                          Heaven forbid you could take my post as a little "tongue in cheek" humor. :rolleyes: <hr></blockquote>

                          I appreciate your help. First of all.

                          It’s hard when you couldn't take the humor in my post. I appreciate you being the only one to give me solid advice I just took it has a shot to me when I wasn't even being serious. I got the impression you were very serious.

                          As for what I'm installing, I ordered black light neon, I've had them for months, since I bought them I have been researching many different ways to install them correctly, and efficiently, even if I don't do it myself I want to make sure the person I pay does. I come here for information and it really upsets me when anyone gets flamed. Ask around I'm known to blow up over the slightest hint of a flame... maybe my downfall but I just don't see it necessary... You could have just said wtf, no dude, get a meter. But you said go and do it so we can laugh at your dumb *** . That wasn't needed nor wanted. I appreciate your help and I bought the appropriate meters from radio shack tonight thanks to your advice... but I’m honestly offended and I don’t' think I’ll be asking for help in electronics again, fortunately and unfortunately there are other places to ask... even though I like here I'm not going to come back bent over with a tube of KY to hand u. Thanks for your time. I honestly do appreciate the actually info you gave me.

                          Maybe we can both learn from this situation. I do what to emphasize my thanks for the useful information. I hope I am not coming off completely defensive even though I partially am. Thanks for your time.


                          • #14
                            You're welcome. Is this a kodak moment? Do you want me to get you some flowers to make everything all happy again? ;) (read on, I'm just playing)

                            I'm sorry you're offended, now lets be men and go drink a beer over it. No need for grudges and if you're gonna have your feelings hurt, have them hurt by me. (i.e. not the whole board or anyone else in this forum). If you're going to be offended, remember it was me, not the board as a whole. I'm just one person on this board. I'm not the whole of this board, I'm just one person that has been misunderstood. I apologize you didn't understand my humor at your expense. If it makes ya feel any better, I only pick on the people I like. I guess in your case, I made an exception. (if you caught that, that was a joke too). ;)

                            geeez... and I thought I was sensitve... just messing with ya.

                            Anyway, you "should" be okay with mounting those on any of the circuts. I'm totally against putting some crazy neons in the car cause I think it's ricey. To each their own and I'd rather have you do it right with some cool function to it so you don't have to be messing around with it instead of having you have to #$%& around with some switch all the time.

                            Don't look for a yellow wire, look for a brown wire. This would be the wire that comes on when you turn on your marker (parking, running, etc) lights as well as the gauge cluster lights. This light should be located in the area around your switch for the headlights. I "think" that the interior on both our cars are the same. If yours is the same as the 98+ then all you have to do is pull on the trim surrounding the switch and then you'll have two 7mm screws holding the switch in place. Pull those out and test the brown wire to make sure it is the correct wire that is 12v+ when the marker lights are on. Tap in to that wire and run that wire to a simple on/off switch. Run the other side of that wire to the + leads of your neons. Run the other leads from the neons to a ground point in the car. (if you're running more than about 2 neons, then we need to wire up a relay to something else so we're not drawing too much current and/or blowing fuses).

                            If you wire it up like this, you don't have to mess around with having to turning your neons on or off, they'll come on automatically when you turn on the parking lights and go off when you turn them off. If you wire in the switch like I said above, you can turn them off if you want the neons off while the other lights are on.

                            You can wire in an additional overide to allow the neons to come on automatically OR by a switch, but this will require an additional switch and you'll have to wire in a diode too, that's a topic for another day.

                            Anyway, this post is getting long. You're welcome for the information, I hope you're more relaxed now. Hooking up neons is really easy. A "pro" will charge you all too much for this. If you spent the time to ask about it and spent the money on a multimeter and you're understanding enough of all this so far, I think you'll be able to put them in yourself. You'll be much happier with them knowing you put them in.

                            I'll be more careful to make it blatently obvious when I'm poking fun at ya in the future.

                            I don't know if I've opened up a can of worms in giving you the other suggestions, but if you have other questions about how to make it work, let me know, I'll be happy to help. I'm not a jerk, really I'm not. [img]graemlins/love.gif[/img]


                            [ March 01, 2003: Message edited by: DrMilhouse ]</p>
                            Mike<br />\'99 Z28 LS1 (383 in the works) M6<br /><a href=\"http://members.fbody.com/drmilhouse/\" target=\"_blank\">stereo pics</a> Almost sold, the amps are still for sale - make an offer.<br /><a href=\"http://members.fbody.com/drmilhouse/paypal.html\" target=\"_blank\">Help Mike pay for his engine. Every dollar helps!</a>


                            • #15
                              Don't worry I [img]graemlins/love.gif[/img] u... errr non homosexual... anyway... lol... sorry i've been having a hard time personally and vent I did.. [img]smile.gif[/img]

                              I bought them to upset my girlfriend so heh..

                              Can-o worms u did open. I'll look for that... i've wanted to do that anyway. :D I want to put them in a box with a chevy logo on it.. not entirely rice [img]smile.gif[/img]

                              Thanks again for your help [img]smile.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/fluffy.gif[/img]


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