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Paging navigatorbob

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  • Paging navigatorbob

    Hey man, we talked a while ago (January) about power window conversions. I have my parts ordered, and am going to install on Friday. I was just wondering though, what did you do to fill the holes left in the door? Thanks for any info you can share. Wish me luck!


    Chris<br />1999 3800 Camaro<br />Arrest Me Red<br />M5<br />Power Window Conversion Completed 7/18/03<br />Waiting to get Viper Alarm Installed<br />Chevy Camaro. We\'ll be there. First.

  • #2
    The kit I bought came with caps that match the interior. I'll see if I can dig up a pic of them.

    edit: added the pictures to my cardomain site

    [ July 15, 2003: Message edited by: navigatorbob ]</p>
    <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">1999 red 38000 Camaro</a><br />Leaking rear main seal (not really a mod though)


    • #3
      Well that sucks. I ordered from A1 Electric, but I didn't get any caps. Didn't you order from them too?

      Also, what did you use for the power source? I tapped into the TCS power wire, since it was hot in the on position only, and I don't have traction control. This keeps blowing a fuse though, so I need to find a better power source.

      Your car looks sweet. In fact, it looks exactly like mine, only I have a 99. Red, no t-tops.

      This project was a real PITA, but IMO, it was well worth it. Thanks again for all the help.



      [ July 19, 2003: Message edited by: JediBandit ]</p>
      Chris<br />1999 3800 Camaro<br />Arrest Me Red<br />M5<br />Power Window Conversion Completed 7/18/03<br />Waiting to get Viper Alarm Installed<br />Chevy Camaro. We\'ll be there. First.


      • #4
        I did get mine from A1 electic. Why don't you call them and see if they'll send you the caps?

        As for power, I ran a new power wire from the battery and relayed it to an ignition wire so the windows are getting a fresh power source and they're only on with the igntion. I got the relay, wire, and fuse from A1 electric too.
        <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">1999 red 38000 Camaro</a><br />Leaking rear main seal (not really a mod though)


        • #5
          Thanks man. I called A1, and they told me that it was an optional thing buried on a seperate menu. The plugs are $2.50 each, but shipping is $3.50. Oh well, 6 bucks to finish it up is worth it. BTW, I think I am going to try and wire my windows into the spot on the fuse box where they go from the factory. Wish me luck! I feel like Custer...


          Chris<br />1999 3800 Camaro<br />Arrest Me Red<br />M5<br />Power Window Conversion Completed 7/18/03<br />Waiting to get Viper Alarm Installed<br />Chevy Camaro. We\'ll be there. First.


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