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megabass question

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  • megabass question

    Would you happen to have any pictures of the Rear Deck Sub Enclosures? Im wanting a box for my 2 12's and i would like my ttop space if possable.
    Also, if i ordered a box today or tomorrow, how long would it take? My b-day is aug 22 [img]tongue.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Usually takes a week to two weeks. Don't have any pics of your ordinary rear deck box. They are pretty easy to make and are priced lower than any other box you'll see on my site.

    BTW, I do know that drmilhouse is selling his fiberglass box. Holds two 12s and two 8s and the 8s are separated so you would have to have them.

    POSSIBLE NEW PRODUCT SNEEK PEEKOK. heres the deal. This might be worth waiting on right here.

    I am working on a design for the well that will still let you put your tops in there too [img]graemlins/omg.gif[/img] . Sound intriguing? Well it's still in the design phase. I still need time to get a prototype built. I already got someone wanting it bad so I'm eager to see if it will fly. Can't say too much about it yet. Big secret. I don't want anybody copying this sucker you know.

    I'm very optimistic that I can make it work too. If it does work, you will be amazed, guaranteed. Let me know if you would be interested in something like that.



    • #3
      Sounds cool, what would the pricing be like?


      • #4
        i have an idea how that would look megabass... try making an amp compartment whilke your at it [img]smile.gif[/img]


        • #5
          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by megabass:
          I am working on a design for the well that will still let you put your tops in there too [img]graemlins/omg.gif[/img] . Sound intriguing? Well it's still in the design phase. I still need time to get a prototype built. I already got someone wanting it bad so I'm eager to see if it will fly. Can't say too much about it yet. Big secret. I don't want anybody copying this sucker you know.

          I'm very optimistic that I can make it work too. If it does work, you will be amazed, guaranteed. Let me know if you would be interested in something like that.



          Do you have a rough guestimate on the airspace of that box? Will there be room for two subs?


          • #6
            Definately two subs. My first request is dual Brahma 12s. Air space will be slightly smaller than the current well box. I'm guessing .94 cubes per side (standard) and 1.4 cubes per side for the deep box. And sorry to report, but there will be no amp rack built in. But I'm very hopeful on this.

            [ August 07, 2002: Message edited by: megabass ]</p>


            • #7
              <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by megabass:
              Definately two subs. My first request is dual Brahma 12s. Air space will be slightly smaller than the current well box. I'm guessing .94 cubes per side (standard) and 1.4 cubes per side for the deep box. And sorry to report, but there will be no amp rack built in. But I'm very hopeful on this.

              [ August 07, 2002: Message edited by: megabass ]

              Email me a picture when it's done. I might buy one as well. I'm just not feeling the love with only one Brahma. Plus, after getting that Milhouse in there my amps are to big to put anywhere else besides on the hump. They're to tall for the rear wall, and it would take a lot of work to fit them both in the spare tire well. Will there still be room on the hump for amps? I'm curious to know how there will be a deep well version while still retaining T-tops. Interesting indeed.

              To answer a couple questions from your email a few days ago: The Brahma fit just fine. Only thing I would do is make the cutout diameter a tad bit smaller. I had to line it up perfectly or else one of the screws would have been on the inside rim. Maybe 1/8th of an inch smaller. Unfortunately I won't get to hear how it sounds while it's flipped up since I can't move my amps elsewhere. Sounds damn good when it's down though.


              • #8

                Well, maybe you can hang on untill I get this thing together. There will be plenty of room on the deck for amps. I am anxious to get the proto built. Will definately get pics up if it works out.


                • #9
                  Thanks for the plug mega [img]smile.gif[/img]

                  Just a reminder everyone, DrMilhouse does have his wild and crazy fiberglass enclosure up for grabs. Still asking only $600. What a steal.


                  Looking forward to the new design Steve. I'm sure it will be awesome.
                  Mike<br />\'99 Z28 LS1 (383 in the works) M6<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">stereo pics</a> Almost sold, the amps are still for sale - make an offer.<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Help Mike pay for his engine. Every dollar helps!</a>


                  • #10
                    Perfect! i have 2 IDQ 12's which according the the site is best with .65 - 1.00 cu.ft. Sealed each.

                    If you can get this prototype done preaty soon, Ill buy one for sure.


                    • #11

                      Did some prototyping tonight. I need to work with it some more to make it easier to build, but it's gonna work for sure. My first customer is putting two Brahma 12s in there. :D

                      Oh, and don't forget about dr milhouses fiberglass box that is for sale too [img]smile.gif[/img]


                      • #12
                        Mega, can u send me some specs? I'll keep hush hush with them.


                        • #13
                          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by v6maro:
                          Mega, can u send me some specs? I'll keep hush hush with them.

                          Ha Ha Ha Ha....but You don't even have t-tops. Specs will be the same as your box anyhow.


                          • #14
                            <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by megabass:

                            Ha Ha Ha Ha....but You don't even have t-tops. Specs will be the same as your box anyhow.
                            I might soon *hint hint*

                            i thought each chamber was about 1.75 cubes on mine right?


                            [ August 08, 2002: Message edited by: v6maro ]</p>


                            • #15
                              Hmmm, you tradin' or hackin' your top up? Yours is a little different (bigger) than all the other deep boxes I've made. The new one will be closer to 1.5 cubes per side which is close to the current size. [img]graemlins/burnout.gif[/img]


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