Fixing hatch rattle.... - Message Board


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Fixing hatch rattle....

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  • Fixing hatch rattle....

    My sound system rattles the back hatch when I have it up loud...I don't know what kind of box I have but it's a custom fit box that goes in the left side of the hatch under the small plastic panel. The box doesn't rattle at all, and it's mounted secure.

    I'm tempted to line the inside of the hatch with acoustic insulation, but it's at the warehouse right now so I haven't been able to try it yet.

    You guys had the same problem?

    Oh yeah, I have a '97 camaro
    1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary...M5, chrome 16\" 5-stars Goodyear 245/50R16<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>

  • #2
    is it the trunk itself bouncing on the rest of the car? I had the same problem and just got thicker weather stripping around where the door sits. It might just be the plastic that sits on the underside of the hatch. If it is, just glue some foam or something underneath where the plastic meets the metal and you should be good to go.

    Oh yeah those crappy plastic screws that hold the rear inner quarter panel things in rattle a lot, so make sure they are in there good and tight..
    1999 C5<br />2000 Ford Lightning<br /><i>Don\'t hate me because I\'m awesome</i>


    • #3
      The screws that I have there are metal screws, and they hold the quarter panel real snug. There aren't any rattles on the inside of the car, only on the exterior. I'll try the weather stripping idea, and I thought about that. We'll see...
      1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary...M5, chrome 16\" 5-stars Goodyear 245/50R16<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


      • #4
        FOr me the plastic that lines the inside of the HAtch was actually rattleing I had seen that the peices had separated a tad after 5 years so what I did was go to homedepot and get 2 sq feet of burbur carpet pad and stuffed it in there. Worked great =)
        97 Special Edition Bird , Short bus stlye special


        • #5
          yeah i noticed today i decided to find out what my car sounds like from outside. So i turned up the bass as high as it would go. Man i've never heard anything rattle so much in my life. After messing around with it for a while i figured out it only rattles when the hatch is closed (no rattling when it's open). So i'm assuming the subs are vibrating the interior part of the hatch...

          I have some insulation left over from when i insulated the walls in my house, anyone know if this will work just as well inside the hatch?


          • #6
            Another thing to try..... adjust the actual latch that keeps the hatch closed. You can move it up and down to adjust how secure the hatch will be.
            Red 96' A4 Firebird
            Audio Audio and Autotek
            Check it out here!


            • #7
              Okay I think i found the problem...that plastic piece that is on the hatch itself. It's held in by yellow plastic plugs, anyone know how to get those out?
              1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary...M5, chrome 16\" 5-stars Goodyear 245/50R16<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


              • #8
                they just pop out with a little work


                • #9
                  Okay I got all those plastic pieces out (Finally :mad: stupid GM!!!). I took out that part that lines the top of the hatch when it's open. The rattle isn't coming from that part.

                  If I just stuff carpet pading everywhere under the carpet and where the taillight space is, will it all go away?
                  1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary...M5, chrome 16\" 5-stars Goodyear 245/50R16<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                  • #10
                    It's probably the actual hatch itself and not the plastic trim. I think if it was the plastic trim it would make for of a clicking sound rather than a squeek. My hatch rattles like all hell but I can't adjust because I don't have a socket wrench. There's 3 nuts, all you need to do is remove the one plastic nut (just pulls out) under the latch where the trunk is held down and the pull the carpet out enough to where the latch is completley visible. you should see 3 screws, loosen them and move the latch down a little bit, then tighten the nuts back up (you'll probably need a socket wrench) and take a test drive. If it still squeeks after you've adjusted over and over, get thicker weather stripping.
                    \'96 M5 Camaro White<br />Flowmaster Full Catback<br />SLP CAI<br />180* Thermo<br /><br />Stereo: H/U - Clarion DXZ725 <br />Alipne Type-R 6.5 Components (front), <br />Alpine Alpine SPS-1629S 6.5 <br />2 10\" JL 10w0<br /><br />\"One Love\" -Bob Marley


                    • #11
                      Mine rattles like all hell, but its mostly the wing that rattles. Get a bass test song that goes down to like one heartz, and look at your wing pretty cool looking to see that thing vibrating like a mofo.


                      • #12
                        after annoying my neighbors for a couple days i think my problem is the same as Takumi.

                        I took off the plastic covering that covers the hatch (Btw having a tool that takes out clips works wonders [img]tongue.gif[/img] ), that didn't change anything. As it turns out the outer part of the hatch and the fiberglass inside of the hatch are apparently rattling together or something so thats where my problem is coming from.

                        So just putting some burbur carpet or insulation or whatever will stop it? I have no idea how you'd get that stuff in there since all you have to work with are small holes on the inside.


                        • #13
                          Okay guys, I put the insulation in, and it works wonders!!!!! It's so awesome...

                          I put in a total of 6 sq. yards, it's 12 pounds for what it's worth, cost me $18.

                          I just jammed it everywhere it would fit. You have to take off the carpet and un-do all the bolts, take the taillights off, and then take off the part that says "CAMARO"

                          That only fixes part of it. Take off the little rubber stopper things on the hatch and stuff the insulation in there with a screwdriver. It works really good.

                          Took me about 3 hours, but the result is priceless. Thanks everyone.
                          1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary...M5, chrome 16\" 5-stars Goodyear 245/50R16<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                          • #14
                            what type of insulation was it?


                            • #15
                              it was just carpet padding stuff....don't remember the type but it wasn't Burber, it was thicker than berber, and it started with an M

                              Just go to the hardware store, they have tons to choose from.
                              1997 Camaro 30th Anniversary...M5, chrome 16\" 5-stars Goodyear 245/50R16<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


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