Monsoon Tape HU +CD changer - Message Board


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Monsoon Tape HU +CD changer

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  • Monsoon Tape HU +CD changer

    Currently, my '99 Camaro has a Monsoon CD HU. For some reason, the lights keep blowing out on it (the time/station screen works, but the button lights blow- I've had it fixed twice).

    Anyway, I have found the wiring harness (thanks to previous posts) for the CD changer, and have decided to fix the problem by purchasing a Monsoon tape HU on eBay and then find the 12 disc CD changer. My question is, will a tape HU control the CD changer? I ask because I notice the button that would seem to control the changer is labeled "TAPE AUX" (from the pictures I've seen of these units).

    How does that work? I'm guessing if you have a tape inserted pressing that button starts the tape- but if no tape is present, it controls the changer? Also, do I need to stay within a particular year range for the tape HU (I know the CD HUs have to be late '99 or newer to control the changer).

    Thanks for any input- sorry if this subject has been covered before, I did try to search before posting.

  • #2
    Hey man, I've got a 99 Camaro. Tape Headunit, and 12 Disc CD Changer in the back. No problems with here. Put a tape in and it automatically plays, hit TAPE/AUX and it will switch to the CD Changer. To get back to the radio, I believe you gotta eject the tape. Without the tape, you still have to hit the TAPE/AUX button to switch to the CD Changer. Simple as that, I don't see any problems for ya.
    Sorry, but I don't know about any issues based on the year of the electronics, but my changer came from ebay.
    ~Chris<br />1999 Hugger Orange Camaro<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />†…faith…hope


    • #3
      Thanks! Well, off to eBay I go then...



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