Never got around to fixing my power antenna, but now since I'm outta school I'm gona dfix it. before I buy a new atnenna from GMpartsdirect, I wanna try and fix this one.
Currently what's happening is that the antenna simply doesn't go up and so I hardly get any stations. The antenna is an aftermarket antenna (previous owner put it in I guess) - it's a Metra Roadworks Power Antenna. What he did was cut off the wires from the original connector to the GM atnenna (the red and pink wire) and connect it to the new atnenna - BUT he didn't use the black wire (which is still connected to the loose-hanging original connector) - I think this is the ground wire, but it bothers me that he didn't use it. He did ground a wire coming from the new wntenna, but it is just connected to the new antenna and just goes to a screw to ground it.
Anyone have any ideas on what I could try - or should I just say screw it and buy a GM antenna?
- Mike
Currently what's happening is that the antenna simply doesn't go up and so I hardly get any stations. The antenna is an aftermarket antenna (previous owner put it in I guess) - it's a Metra Roadworks Power Antenna. What he did was cut off the wires from the original connector to the GM atnenna (the red and pink wire) and connect it to the new atnenna - BUT he didn't use the black wire (which is still connected to the loose-hanging original connector) - I think this is the ground wire, but it bothers me that he didn't use it. He did ground a wire coming from the new wntenna, but it is just connected to the new antenna and just goes to a screw to ground it.
Anyone have any ideas on what I could try - or should I just say screw it and buy a GM antenna?
- Mike