I challenge you to name a cone material used today that has more rigidity then paper pulp cones.
A: As with tweeters, woofer cones come in a variety of materials. They can be made of treated paper, synthetics, or composites. Woofer cones need to be more rigid because their task is to reproduce strong bass notes. Again, paper tends to be less durable, but responds quicker than other materials. All these can sound great; you need to experiment with different sounds and materials.
Above Quoted from: http://www.crutchfieldadvisor.com/S-...akers_faq.html
And as for finding a stronger material: http://www.crutchfieldadvisor.com/S-...materials.html
All i said before was that papre is usually viewed as **** because MOST CHEAP SPEAKERS ARE PAPER, however i am aware that many hight quality speakers are also paper.