I wasn't sure if this was the right section to post this in but I gave it a guess. I have the Pass Key II Theft Deterant System and the remote lock for my 96 Camaro. When I push the UNLOCK button the drivers door unlocks but not the passengers door. After the car is unlocked, I have to double-press the UNLOCK button in order to unlock the passengers door too. I know that you can reprogram some of the cars features, but after looking through the owners manual I saw nothing about this. Is there a way to program the locking system to unlock both doors when the UNLOCK button is pressed the first time, instead of having to unlock it and then press it again?
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Remote Lock
1. Look under the glove box. You will see a black panel that covers everything above it. There are two clips right at the base of the glovebox that holds the front side of the panel up. Remove these to clips so that the panels hangs down giving you access to the wires above it.
2. Look for a green plug. There will be five wires in it. -Orange/Black stripe -Red/black stripe -Grey/Black stripe -Tan -Grey
3. Unplug the harness. The female side is the bigger side and is light green. The male side is the smaller side and is dark green. You will be working with the female side.
4. Cut the grey/black stripe wire on the female side.
5. You should now have a short length of wire going back into the female plug and the other side goes back into the wiring of the car. Splice the side going back into the plug with the Tan wire.
6. The wire that goes back into your car is now an extra channel on your alarm. Its is a 12V pulse. You can use it to pop the hatch or for a remote start.
some cars just have a green plug going directly into the BCM. Wires are the same color. You just need to verify which side is the output to the locks with a voltmeter.
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