Thermistor or new window motor? - Message Board


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Thermistor or new window motor?

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  • Thermistor or new window motor?

    I did a search, and some people say dieing window motors just need a new thermistor. But then others say the motor itself is dieing. I'm not sure if my whole motor needs replacing, or if it just needs a new thermistor. Is there any way to tell? On my pass. window, it goes up slow and about halfway up it slows down even more (when the window hits the black part in front [seals window]). On my drivers side window, though, I think the window comes off its track or something. A little less than halfway up, the window and motor stop moving and I need to help it by pulling the window up with my hand. So do you guys think I need a new motor, or just a thermistor? How much would each of these cost? I also read the installation is a PITA... What would you rate the difficulty on a level of 1-10?
    <b><i>Don\'t Ever Judge Me</i></b><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\'96 Firebird Y87 3.8L V6 5spd</a><br />--No mods as of yet, shoot me some ideas if ya want.<br />178,000 miles and counting

  • #2
    Instead of pulling the window up with your hand, wait a few seconds. Now try it again. Does the window continue up a little more on it's own? If so, it's the thermistor tripping because it thinks the motor is overheating. Replacing the entire window motor isin't a PITA. We have a walkthrough in our modifications encyclopedia. The first time you do it you must drill out a few rivets and replace them with nuts/bolts. This makes the first time a 6. If they've been done before and you just need to unscrew the the nuts/bolts, it's a 4.5.
    Red 96' A4 Firebird
    Audio Audio and Autotek
    Check it out here!


    • #3
      I had to do a couple window motor's in mine, I thought it was a PITA. Goodluck, take your time.
      2005 Cavalier LS Sport M5<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


      • #4
        I tried waiting on the driver's side window (only about 10 seconds, the time it takes to put up the pass. window), but no luck. Although this time I didn't need to pull the window up, I just had to push it out a little and it started going up. That is one of the reasons I think its off track or something.
        <b><i>Don\'t Ever Judge Me</i></b><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\'96 Firebird Y87 3.8L V6 5spd</a><br />--No mods as of yet, shoot me some ideas if ya want.<br />178,000 miles and counting


        • #5
          window motor, 15$ on ebay with lifetime warranty, or 60-100$ at your local autoparts store....thermistor 0.15$ maybee, but Ive yet to find the correct replacement for our motors, too weak and it wont work, too high and you'll keep blowing fuses...and I didnt feel like using my car as a guinnea pig....godo luck. its easy, 10min tops.

          "Money can't buy me happiness, but I'm happiest when I can buy what I want"
          05' CTS-V
          00' Camaro - SOLD :(


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