I have keyless entry on my vehicle with the delayed lighting thingie. When I turnoff the car and pull my key out, usually, the interior lights come on and they turn off when I get out of the car and close the door. Sometimes however, I pull the key out, and it comes on and off intermittently, like something is loose within the system. How does the delayed lighting work? Is there a sensor with the keyhole or something that tells the car to turn the light on? You guys know what I'm talking about? Sometimes I have to wiggle the key to get the light to come on. Is it something I can fix easily? cause I don't want to take it to the dealership... they mess up stuff... they did before on my car. Thanks.
BTW, I have a 2001 Camaro.. would it make any difference?
BTW, I have a 2001 Camaro.. would it make any difference?