adding an amp - Message Board


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adding an amp

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  • adding an amp

    ok i have a 97 firebird with the monsoon system. i love that system, but i got set of subs and an amp for christmas. it is a bazooka el1500. what would be the easiest way to hook it up for under 25 dollars. i just want to add on to the system, not remove. [img]graemlins/burnout.gif[/img] oh and did you know you can powerbrake a firebird? i do now.hehehe
    CAI, Flowmaster, Audiobahn Flame Q 12, 600w RMS, Panasonic cq-dfx883u, Lightning Audio 6.5 3 ways<br />check out my page<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">my car</a>

  • #2
    A4 :( ws6 hood, magnaflow cat-back, Pewter ppg paint, red calipers w/ decals, t-tops, chrome wheels, cutout, bald rear right tire (3.42 w/o lsd)


    • #3
      u can powerbrake any car.... cept some have governers... shi.t i could whitesmoke in my 4cyl stang..... so rookie o the board.. how old are you???

      and 01blackbird.... same thing came to my head :)


      • #4
        well, i looked up your amp on ebay. seems they are ALL refurbished and/or returns. not what i would call high quality, but hey, it was free, right?

        now, if i were you, i would use the roadmasters as a small coffe table, or return them, probably the latter. i'm trying to help you out here, save your money and get something that will last you a bit longer.

        if you must be stubborn, that amp probably pushes enough watts to run your roadmaster 8's just fine.

        you know what they say, anything is better than stock. try them out, they wont make your breathing difficult, they'll just fill in the lower frequencies your monsoon puts out.

        what could you do with the return money? but infinity reference subs on ebay! great value, i have 2 10's i got for 50 each, new!!!

        i hope i've been of some help and sorry for my ranting, i'm bored.
        A4 :( ws6 hood, magnaflow cat-back, Pewter ppg paint, red calipers w/ decals, t-tops, chrome wheels, cutout, bald rear right tire (3.42 w/o lsd)


        • #5
          Way to make someone feel welcome to an otherwise knowledgable board.


          • #6
            just messin w/ him.

            no hard feelins [img]graemlins/dunce.gif[/img]

            ps. cheers to us, the few proud teens w/ f-bodys!!

            [ December 31, 2002: Message edited by: 01blackbird ]</p>
            A4 :( ws6 hood, magnaflow cat-back, Pewter ppg paint, red calipers w/ decals, t-tops, chrome wheels, cutout, bald rear right tire (3.42 w/o lsd)


            • #7
     hard feelings. :cool:
              3. youre not helping that much (see question)
              CAI, Flowmaster, Audiobahn Flame Q 12, 600w RMS, Panasonic cq-dfx883u, Lightning Audio 6.5 3 ways<br />check out my page<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">my car</a>


              • #8
                check out the wiring in the hatch area. Split into the two back hatch speakers and that should work (right guys?)

                i'm thinking of doing the same thing myself pretty soon, so any further info would help from someone who has done this before.


                • #9
                  well redfirebird15, if you think its better to own a firebird when you aren't a teenager, i don't know what to say,, these cars are directed towards teenagers. I am 17, and i will be selling my car in the spring and actually getting some of that V8 rumble, instead of stereo rumble it seems all you guys love, i like it too, but why bother the 01 firebird dude,, he likes his car just as much as you do,, maybe he isn't as into the stereo as much as you are, but he still owns a near new car at the age of "15" and he is working on the stereo.


                  • #10
                    Everyone's happy. [img]smile.gif[/img]

                    sorry i couldn't answer your q's, i'm not all that familiar w/ the monsoon system, i have the delco 4 spkr (ooooh, ahhh).

                    the cheapest way to wire your subs would be to power/ground your amp, splice into the signal of your rear speakers, and PARALLEL wire your two subs! i just did this and it gave me twice the wattage, because instead of the amp runing at 4 ohms, it runs @ 2, with two 4 ohm subs. hope this helps,

                    btw, i'm 16 :D

                    [ January 03, 2003: Message edited by: 01blackbird ]</p>
                    A4 :( ws6 hood, magnaflow cat-back, Pewter ppg paint, red calipers w/ decals, t-tops, chrome wheels, cutout, bald rear right tire (3.42 w/o lsd)


                    • #11
                      how and why does a 15 year old need a car? And with mods already. And with upgrades? I just dont get it?

                      15, cant legally drive, cant have a job to pay for the car or mods, even if there was a job a 15yr old could so, how would he get there since he cant drive :/ I just dont see the logic in all this


                      • #12
                        <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrCoffee:
                        how and why does a 15 year old need a car? And with mods already. And with upgrades? I just dont get it?

                        15, cant legally drive, cant have a job to pay for the car or mods, even if there was a job a 15yr old could so, how would he get there since he cant drive :/ I just dont see the logic in all this

                        I've been wondering the same thing......
                        Red 96' A4 Firebird
                        Audio Audio and Autotek
                        Check it out here!


                        • #13
                          Well lets not pick on the guy.
                          you know we were all 15 at one time or another
                          he has got a car that his parents has gave him and he wants to fixer up before he turns 16.
                          and the stereo is a good place to start.

                          if you have an amp then you need to get you an converter. but you need to patch into the rear piller speakers then to the converter. and then from the converter to the amp. ( to the RCA jacks)

                          the first thing to do is get an amp wiring kit it includes everything to run your ampa nd to the battery.

                          hope that helps
                          have any more questions let me know

                          [ January 04, 2003: Message edited by: AWSOMEFIREBIRD ]</p>
                          <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                          • #14
                            Those who harassed or belittled him: Shame on you [img]graemlins/thumbsdown.gif[/img]

                            And FYI, a lot of rural states allow you to get your driver's license at 15. I had my learners permit at 14.5 and my license on my 15th birthday. My brother was surfing car audio boards at 15, looking for ways to make his S-10 Blazer bump. Idaho is the same way; though I'm not sure about Alabama. Plus, age means nothing. So what if he's 12, or 84, he asked a legitmate question. He obviously doesn't know much about the stuff which is why he came here and asked: So he could learn and therefore know. You all were at his stage in knowledge at some time or another.

                            redfirebird15: Welcome to the board, and please try to see thru some members immature remarks or replies. I wish I had the answer to your question, but unfortunately I'm not familiar with the Monsoon system at all. Don't fret though, I'm sure someone in here knows and will be willing to help you out.

                            <b>Trucks</b> <br />\'05 Dodge 3500 Dually <i>Cummins Turbo Diesel</i><br />\'98 Dodge 2500 4x4 <i>360 V8 (Wife\'s)</i><br /><b>Toys</b><br />\'81 Chevy K10 <i>Stroker/Swampers/Custom Suspension/1-Tons/Beadlocks</i><br />\'99 Camaro Z28 <i>6 Spd, T-tops, Borla</i><br /><br /><b>Real trucks don\'t have spark plugs</b>


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