3. Here is another connection you can make if you need to tap into a wire without cutting it; also known as a splice. This type of connection comes in handy if you are installing an alarm or keyless entry system.

Strip off some insullation on the wire you want to splice into.
Use something pointy to make a "hole" in the wire you will be splicing into. Next, insert the other wire through the hole and wrap it around tightly.
Use solder to provide a strong connection.
The spliced soldered connection should look similar to this.
Last, wrap the connection with black electrical tape along with a few Zip Ties. The Zip Ties keep the tape from ever coming undone.
There are many different ways of making wiring connections. These are just a few that I've used over the years with very good success. Stores like Auto Zone or Radio Shack should carry everything you need to do something like this.

Strip off some insullation on the wire you want to splice into.

Use something pointy to make a "hole" in the wire you will be splicing into. Next, insert the other wire through the hole and wrap it around tightly.

Use solder to provide a strong connection.

The spliced soldered connection should look similar to this.

Last, wrap the connection with black electrical tape along with a few Zip Ties. The Zip Ties keep the tape from ever coming undone.
There are many different ways of making wiring connections. These are just a few that I've used over the years with very good success. Stores like Auto Zone or Radio Shack should carry everything you need to do something like this.