more voltage probelms here - Message Board


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more voltage probelms here

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  • more voltage probelms here

    ok so my voltage was low (actually the voltage was higher with my car OFF, weird) and a few days ago and i recharged the battery, then everything was fine, volts were fine, etc. and it was reading 14.3 with my car on... now it reads 13.3 and it keeps going down from the looks of it. sounds like my alternator is dying? its only a few months old :( any ideas!?
    00 Supercharged Camaro - RIP
    97 Turbo Camaro - Sold

  • #2
    Re: more voltage probelms here

    Originally posted by dmw319
    ok so my voltage was low (actually the voltage was higher with my car OFF, weird) and a few days ago and i recharged the battery, then everything was fine, volts were fine, etc. and it was reading 14.3 with my car on... now it reads 13.3 and it keeps going down from the looks of it. sounds like my alternator is dying? its only a few months old :( any ideas!?
    I would get the battery tested also... Just to make sure. But yes I would say you deffinetly have an alternator problem, or a voltage loss from something.
    1995 Camaro 3.4 A4<br /><br />CAI,IAT Relocate


    • #3
      Re: more voltage probelms here

      You either have:
      - an alternator that is going ka-put,
      - poor grounds,
      - or you have a wicked draw from something.

      Check all your ground points.

      With the engine running, pull fuses (except ignition and fuel pump) one by one and watch for voltage changes. This way you might isolate a circuit that is causing problems or taxing the system.

      You said that you are using an HD alternator. Where is your old one? If you have it, put it in there and see what it does. Get one from somewhere or someone to try in your car.

      At the end of the day I put my money (if I was a betting guy) on you replacing the alternator.
      Now Playing: \'99 Pewter Firebird, stock, bone stock, and nothing but stock, so help me God!<br />Comming attractions: K&N Filter, Lid Mod, Intake Bellows Smooth Pipe Mod.<br />I dream about: Forced Induction (TC or SC) or NOX (or both!)


      • #4
        Re: more voltage probelms here

        Man you have been having some seriously bad luck lately man! it does sound like the alt. what kind of alt do you have?

        i have a stocker off my car with 45k on it, works perfect. id be more than happy to give it to you, youll just have to pay shipping. swapped it for a h/o.
        <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">2002 35th Anniv. Black Camaro M5</a><br />Mods: Carsound Cat, SLP Loudmouth, Whisper Lid w/ K&N, J&M LCA\'s, ST Springs, eD Stereo(146.7 dB)<br />\'88 K1500 305 V8 Auto(Winter)


        • #5
          Re: more voltage probelms here

          Originally posted by articacid
          Man you have been having some seriously bad luck lately man! it does sound like the alt. what kind of alt do you have?

          i have a stocker off my car with 45k on it, works perfect. id be more than happy to give it to you, youll just have to pay shipping. swapped it for a h/o.
          Heh, if he doesn't need it I do lol, I got my stock one in my car now and its about dead, I run 11.5-12 volts all the time....
          1995 Camaro 3.4 A4<br /><br />CAI,IAT Relocate


          • #6
            Re: more voltage probelms here

            Bad batteries will kill new alternators very quickly if they aren't checked or replaced. I usually change batteries every 4-5 years just to keep that headache away.
            255/50R16 Tires, Pioneer Deck, Pioneer 4 Way speakers, PPI Amps, JL subs, Spec Stage 3 Clutch, Optima Yellow Top


            • #7
              Re: more voltage probelms here

              i doubt its my battery. its a yellow top thats about a year old. but maybe?

              anyways, i got my refund on my alternator and put a new one in, jsut a bosch regular one but its nice. so far no problems.
              00 Supercharged Camaro - RIP
              97 Turbo Camaro - Sold


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