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my install kit

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  • my install kit

    ok well this is what i got. i want to run it by your all before i install it.

    i got this

    now is this what i do?

    connect the big blue wire to the battery, then threw the fire wall
    then put the end of the blue wire into the fuse holder.
    then put the big clear wire into the other end of the fuse hold.
    and connect that to the amp.

    black wire will be the ground. so metal on one end then connect that to the amp.

    ok now this is where things get hairy for me. the system remote control wire? is that the little blue wire? and how does that hook up? is there something on my new head unit?(i don't have the unit yet)

    i got the rca now that goes into the amp . then that goes into the head unit?

    then to connect the sub, i put a neg wire to the speaker, and posi wire to the output.

    i don't have to connect the speaker terminal do i since i only want to use it for the sub?
    Last edited by kristen; 08-12-2006, 10:11 AM.

  • #2
    Re: my install kit

    First of all, the wiring is a little wrong. The blue wire should be power, and the silver should be ground, since they are both the same AWG (gauge). I'm guessing the black wire is speaker wire, but I'm not too sure. You are going to have to cut the blue wire and add the fuse block into the circuit. It is recommended that this is place less than 9 inches (not too sure about that) away from your battery.

    The system remote control wire is the little blue wire, yes. Your headunit should have an input for this, it sends out a 12v signal when the head unit is turned on to turn on the amp.

    The RCAs go into the amp, and into the back of the head unit (use sub-out or whatever).

    Now the rest I don't know about, since I'm not sure of the specs of your equipment. I remember they were both Pioneer, so I'll go look that up right now (for some reason ebay locks up my browser, so I'll see what I can work out).
    Last edited by Earnhardt132000; 08-11-2006, 06:01 PM.
    <b><i>Don\'t Ever Judge Me</i></b><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\'96 Firebird Y87 3.8L V6 5spd</a><br />--No mods as of yet, shoot me some ideas if ya want.<br />178,000 miles and counting


    • #3
      Re: my install kit

      Okay you got it all wrong here, but I'll help you out..

      The long blue cable is your power cable. Cut the end close to the ring terminal, and put the fuse holder between both sides, you want it as close to the battery as possible.

      The clear cable is your ground cable! Make dead sure you get nice paint free metal to connect it to, the ground wire is the number one problem I see for systems not working correctly. Also cut that as short as you can without making it so tight it might come off.

      Now the Black thing you thought is a cable here is actually wire loom.. Most people cover thier power cable with it to help hide it a bit in the engine compartment.

      Now on the sub its not so important, but I do it anyways, run the power cable and rca cables down oposite sides of the car, helps for noise reduction, rca cables can pick up noise from power cables. I also generally run the remote turn on lead wire with the rca cables, being they both come from the deck, I tape them together every foot or so and run them with each other, makes it really easy.

      Now as far as hooking up the sub is concered. You run speaker + to the + terminal on the sub, and speaker - to the negative terminal on the sub. Or in most cases to the box, which has wire inside to the sub. If you have a two channel amp to run a single sub, you need to follow the directions to bridge the amp. Generally + lead from one channel and the - lead from the other channel.

      As far as the remote turn on lead is concered, look at your deck, one of the wires should normally be blue or blue with a white line, will say remote, or turn on lead, that is the wire you connect to the remote turn on lead wire to the amp. Tells it it's safe to turn on, so it doesn't drain your battery while your stereo isn't on.

      If you need any help when you actually get your stuff, let me know and I'll be more than happy to help you along with the install.

      Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your new stuff!
      1995 Camaro 3.4 A4<br /><br />CAI,IAT Relocate


      • #4
        Re: my install kit

        alsome thanks alot. i got my head unit tonight. and i plan on starting everything tomorrow. expect me to get back on asking for help. i can take out an engine, or do anything to a car, lets see if i can do audio now!


        • #5
          Re: my install kit

          Some great responses so far.:)
          Originally posted by Nikos95
          Now as far as hooking up the sub is concered. You run speaker + to the + terminal on the sub, and speaker - to the negative terminal on the sub. Or in most cases to the box, which has wire inside to the sub. If you have a two channel amp to run a single sub, you need to follow the directions to bridge the amp. Generally + lead from one channel and the - lead from the other channel.
          I realize you do not know which particular sub/amp she has.... but I do. lol

          Your subwoofer will have TWO +'s and TWO -'s. Wire both the +'s together and run them to the + speaker output on the amp. -'s together and then to the - output. Just like the picture.:) You have a single channel amp, so no worries about bridging anything.:)

          How do you plan on connecting the power/ground wire to the battery? Remember me posting this link?:

          You can find those at local install shops I'm sure. Best Buy or Circuit City for sure.

          Think everything else has really been hit on.... you know we have a little amp install walkthrough in the sticky at the top of this forum.
          Red 96' A4 Firebird
          Audio Audio and Autotek
          Check it out here!


          • #6
            Re: my install kit

            Originally posted by 96firebird311
            Some great responses so far.:)
            I realize you do not know which particular sub/amp she has.... but I do. lol
            Aww you cheated you knew what she bought... :(
            1995 Camaro 3.4 A4<br /><br />CAI,IAT Relocate


            • #7
              Re: my install kit

              i already have one for my battery!!!!

              time for the install now.


              • #8
                Re: my install kit

                someone help,
                what is the thin black wire?

                what is the black grome thing,

                and how do i connect the wires to the amp?
                Last edited by kristen; 08-12-2006, 10:12 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: my install kit

                  Your head unit is a DVD player, right? The black wire may be the wire that has something to do with your parking brake. The only way for video to be displayed is to have your parking break set. I'll see if I can find a little bit more info about it.

                  Black grome thing...? The wire loom?

                  And by connecting the wires to the amp, do you mean actually putting the wires into the amp? There should be some screws that go up and down. Raise the screws, slice a little off the end of the wire so bare metal is showing, and insert it into the whole. You may need to twist the wires so they don't go everywhere. Then screw it down. If you mean which wire goes where, I'll wait for 96firebird to answer that, since I'm still not sure of your equipment and how it should be ran.

                  After looking through the mod encyclopedia a bit, the black wire may be the ground for your head unit.
                  Last edited by Earnhardt132000; 08-12-2006, 11:02 AM.
                  <b><i>Don\'t Ever Judge Me</i></b><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\'96 Firebird Y87 3.8L V6 5spd</a><br />--No mods as of yet, shoot me some ideas if ya want.<br />178,000 miles and counting


                  • #10
                    Re: my install kit

                    grn wire is usually the parking break wire... you just need to make that a ground to bypass the parking brake safety feature.... not all of them some get pretty in depth, some just need a switch

                    black gromet: for your firewall..where you drill the hole for your power wire,. insert gromet.. feed power wire thru, not neccesary, just a professional thing.

                    for the amp connections, it should have screws, back out the screw, insert wire, tighten screw....
                    i use spade connectors but you can get away with just sticking bare wire in.
                    Last edited by StrtRacer98; 08-12-2006, 11:32 AM.

                    Old people shouldnt use the internet.


                    • #11
                      Re: my install kit

                      + BATT POWER ( batt power wire)
                      - Ground
                      REM Remote ( thin blue wire from HU )

                      then your output channels depend on what u have..

                      You can work on cars/motors but you have no idea about sound systems?

                      Old people shouldnt use the internet.


                      • #12
                        Re: my install kit

                        ok so here is where i am, i got my head unit installed . the dvd player is alsome. i have about 80 persent of my amp done, i just have to hook a few wire up to it. everything is ran threw the car. and i have to put the sub in. all should be done tomorrow.


                        • #13
                          Re: my install kit

                          good luck with the rest of that instal kristen
                          <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My FireBird</a> K&N intake,Gutted cat, glass pack muffler.........Lots more to come...... <br />Getting my exhaust soon :)Rumbler Exhaust w/ Hooker\'s Headers :)


                          • #14
                            Re: my install kit

                            Well I guess I'm too late.... sounds like she's almost done.:) The black wire I think she was talking about is in the amp kit? Look at the picture. I have no clue what that's for. Doesn't look like speaker wire in the pic.....

                            Kristen, you need TWO of those battery terminals. One to add the power wire and one for the ground. I guess it wasn't made totally clear here, but that silver wire must be cut into two. An upgraded ground on the battery and to connect the amp. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.... and that 8g stock ground wire isin't gonna cut it. You add 4g power wire, 4g ground wire needs to be added. Both runs should be kept as short as possible and be touching metal to metal. No paint.

                            If you used the PCM hole in the firewall to get your power wire through, you don't need that cheesy grommit they gave you. If you're drilling your own hole through the firewall, then use it. It's to keep the sharp edges on the hole, from rubbing on your power wire and eventually wearing through the wire's insulation. A must when installing.

                            Two main styles used to secure wiring to the amp. The first uses a set-screw design. Loosen the bolt on top of the amp terminal. Usually an allen wrench is needed. Strip the wire back about 1/2". Push it into the terminal and tighten bolt down on top of it. Second style just uses a clamping sandwich method. lol Loosen the screws on top of the desired terminal. Usually it's cut so flathead or phillips can be used. Strip wire and crimp on a fork connector. Push in the fork in between the two plates. (You'll see it, it's easy) Screw the top plate down tight to hold it in place.
                            Red 96' A4 Firebird
                            Audio Audio and Autotek
                            Check it out here!


                            • #15
                              Re: my install kit

                              well i'm done. it works alsome. and knocks me out of my seat i love it. check out the link



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