Is this a good price? - Message Board


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Is this a good price?

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  • Is this a good price?

    Hey, ive been here a long time but rarely post. I have never done anythin with my car, so I need some help. I have a 2000 Camaro with Monsoon CD. I was looking at Circuit Citys selection, and they said they could give me 4 Alpine speakers (org. 69.99 for 2) and a Sony HU (150) for 350.00 all installed. I really dont want to spend that kinda money for so little, so does anyone have any suggestions? Also, i plan to put in two 12's in another 3 or 4 weeks once my paycheck comes. I want to install it myself, but i dont think i cant wire it myself. Thanks
    Last edited by Blindside; 09-12-2006, 06:15 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Is this a good price?

    Wiring is easy as pie. Plus you're registered here for a reason right? Give some model numbers. Personally, I wouldnt spend that much for just speakers and a headunit installed. You can save a lot, and learn by doing it yourself.


    • #3
      Re: Is this a good price?

      what kind of alpine are they?

      Abbott long tubes,homemade true duals,slp ram air,whisper lid,eibach springs,kyb shocks,BMR subframe connectors, BMR LCA reloc brackets,BMR LCAs. T-top/manual converted


      • #4
        Re: Is this a good price?

        hey man i have a pioneer head-unit that has Aux output, Subwoofer output and is XM ready, for sale and a set of pioneer 6x1/2 four way speakers for sale! Also have my 2 12' MTX 8000 in a custom box that fits in the hatch if you want pics?

        I paid almost 450 for all of this...I will sell you the box with the subs and the pioneer speakers as well as the headunit which comes with the wiring harness...325 shipped...All you need to get is an AMP! I would replace the two rear speakers in the back seat with the 6x1/2.....they sounds really good


        • #5
          Re: Is this a good price?

          Sony In-Dash Player (CDXGT400) is the HU. It comes with free installation so i figured why not use it? Heres the webpage (i checked the prices a while ago so they mightve changed).

          The speakers I cant find online, sorry. If you have any other suggestions on how i can build a similar or better system for under $300 (i might be able to get my school to install it in our autotech class for like 30 bucks, its awesome). Otherwise, ill just try and install it myself.

          Sent you a email cmblack13


          • #6
            Re: Is this a good price?

            Oh dude, for $150 go on ebay and get somethin better.

            Theres one example of a better headunit for $150, of course a little more for shipping but still.

            Heres the search page:
            Pioneers are good head units, Clarion if you can get em in that price range new, JVC makes a decent HU as well. Personally I'd get that Pioneer I showed ya.

            You can price out a decent system for 300 on ebay thats for sure, just add some extra cash in for shipping and wiring/harness/mount kits


            • #7
              Re: Is this a good price?

              hey man all the pics are sent that you requested and i emailed you back


              • #8
                Re: Is this a good price?

                buy your speakers on would be amazed how much money you save if you buy them new on ebay. i bought 2 sets of sony 260 watt speakers for 30 bucks shipped for each set. best buy and circuit city have huge markups. Just find a guide and you can wire them yourself and save boat loads of money!! EBAY IS THE WAY TO GO!!


                • #9
                  Re: Is this a good price?

                  As a registered user, I have asked this many times.
                  I did go with Circuit City for the install, got everything off E.Bay tho.
                  The reason was that I wanted it to look good.
                  They did an awsome job. I had 2 Audiobaun amps, 1 for my 4 side speakers (Piles) 400rms amp, 1 for my 2 12's ( Audiobauns) 800rms amp . Amps had blue L.E.D's on the sides and blue volt meters, they used blue power cables to make it all match. Very tight setup.

                  If I could post pictures in this forum, been trying for a long time, I would show you.
                  E-mail me if you want a few shots of what they did for me.:tup:
                  Last edited by Rick Brown; 09-14-2006, 01:32 PM.
                  Left turn Clide.


                  • #10
                    Re: Is this a good price?

                    Use an image host like Photobucket or Imageshack.


                    • #11
                      Re: Is this a good price?

                      Very surprised Circuit City did the install even though you didn't buy the equipment there....hmmm
                      Red 96' A4 Firebird
                      Audio Audio and Autotek
                      Check it out here!


                      • #12
                        Re: Is this a good price?

                        Yea, I wasnt sure if Circuit City did installs if you didnt buy from them. I'm going to look around on ebay for a while, Im trying not to spend more than 450 for the HU, 4 speakers, and two 12's with something that fits my hatch. (Dont have T-Tops and dont really need a trunk). Let me know if guys know of any deals. Thanks for all your help


                        • #13
                          Re: Is this a good price?

                          Hey man if you got 300 right now its yours! you can send to my paypal account i will ship tomorrow......! Let me know....


                          • #14
                            Re: Is this a good price?

                            haha, when i come up with the money ill let u know.


                            • #15
                              Re: Is this a good price?

                              ok thats cool


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