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Custom enclosure help

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  • Custom enclosure help

    OK. I just got 2 12" subs for my car. I don't have an enclosure, so I figured I'd build one. How's this look to you guys?

    I'll try and center the subs in the angled section, but, if there's not enough room for it to move, I may move it down some. Mounting depth is 5 5/8 in. Mounting diameter is 11 1/8 in. They recommend 1.25 cubic feet per sub, or 1.75 if ported. The box I designed comes to about 2.44 cubic feet total. They recommend 4x11 ports, which is what I intend to use. Main question though is should I port it, or go sealed? I know porting usually sounds better, but I don't want to ruin the whole box by porting it. Unported, it's closer to the recommended size. If I do port it, should I do 2 ports like I did, or just one bigger one? I was thinking of moving the two ports towards the center, instead of the outside like I have them, and then build another little section to cover them. That way the box would look cleaner.
    ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
    A few things

    Only Member of Team Hooker?!?

  • #2
    Re: Custom enclosure help

    Here's abit different version:

    I think I like this one better since the ports are closer, and the subs' angle is better. Plus, it's got abit more area to it (comes to about 2.71 cubic feet)
    ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
    A few things

    Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


    • #3
      Re: Custom enclosure help

      i say port it and if u dont like it you can make like little plugs that u can put on and take off


      • #4
        Re: Custom enclosure help

        Another thing. I was told not to make it out of plywood. How bad would it sound if I did? I'm super tight on $$ right now, and can't even afford a piece of MDF
        ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
        A few things

        Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


        • #5
          Re: Custom enclosure help

          32 views and no help yet. Another quick question. Where do you get the terminals to go in the box? I really don't want wiring running out of the box to my amp
          ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
          A few things

          Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


          • #6
            Re: Custom enclosure help

            You can buy a good size sheet of high density wood at Home Depot for under $20. Thats what I made my first one out of and I am going to make another this week for my new subs.


            • #7
              Re: Custom enclosure help

              yea dont use plywood,there is a huge diference between it and the should be able to get the terminals at


              • #8
                Re: Custom enclosure help

                ok ported is dirty bass but louder, its better for power to run the wires right into your box and depending on the power your putting out 1/2 in. or 3/4 in. MDF is the only thing that will hold up and sound good


                • #9
                  Re: Custom enclosure help

                  Originally posted by petero
                  yea dont use plywood,there is a huge diference between it and the should be able to get the terminals at
                  or you can go to radioshack or homedepot or maybe even an car audio place


                  • #10
                    Re: Custom enclosure help

                    Well, I may make one outa plywood right now (since I've got like 5 or 6 good sheets laying in the shed), and once I get some money I'll buy some mdf board. Should I port it or not? It's gonna be used mainly for Rap, which i've been told is the only thing a ported box sounds good on. my first box I bought was ported with 2 12's. The 2nd was sealed with only 1 10. And I sware that 10 hit as hard, if not harder, then those 12's. It may have been because of the difference in vehicles, and quality of subs (12s were POS ones, while the 10 was a JL Audio). I'll start sealed I think. Then before I build the MDF one, I'll port the plywood one and see if it sounds any better. But, besides the material, how's my design look? Anyone see any problems in it? I'm putting 2 12" P1 RF subs in it.
                    ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
                    A few things

                    Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


                    • #11
                      Re: Custom enclosure help

                      looks fine you should really seperate the subs though put a divider between them on the inside so there not fighting each other for air. and if you port do two ports opposite of each other like the firsrt pic. hope that ply wood doesnt shatter with the first big thump


                      • #12
                        Re: Custom enclosure help

                        It probably is. The plywood is going to crack and bust open when the bass hits. Or it's just going to push out your nails enough for the air to escape through the wood.

                        You said you are using two P1's, are you referring to the P1's as in Crossfire?

                        As for your box design, it looks good although, if you want a great sounding box for your f-body, you should make one where the subs will face upward and they are along the edge of the very back of your hatchback. It will be about 4 inches away from the glass and the bass will pound off of it and ride right up the glass making for a deep bass and great sound.


                        • #13
                          Re: Custom enclosure help

                          Originally posted by Vanquish
                          It probably is. The plywood is going to crack and bust open when the bass hits. Or it's just going to push out your nails enough for the air to escape through the wood.

                          You said you are using two P1's, are you referring to the P1's as in Crossfire?

                          As for your box design, it looks good although, if you want a great sounding box for your f-body, you should make one where the subs will face upward and they are along the edge of the very back of your hatchback. It will be about 4 inches away from the glass and the bass will pound off of it and ride right up the glass making for a deep bass and great sound.
                          P1's as in Rockford Fosgate Punch Stage 1's. As for the bow, I went out to mark it on the wood today and noticed a big flaw in my design. The angle for where I was gonna mount the subs is only 10" wide, and I need 11 1/8" for the subs :P So, I decided I'm just going to do a square one. I'm putting it as far back as possible. It'll be just over 3ft wide, 1ft deep and 10" tall. That gives me the right amount of airspace, everything fits good, and it's still a pretty small box. I'll see how the plywood holds up.
                          ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
                          A few things

                          Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


                          • #14
                            Re: Custom enclosure help

                            dang. I just learned today that I'm horrible with a jigsaw. Either 1- I get some more practice with the thing, or 2- I have someone build me a box. 97RS4Life, you interested?
                            ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
                            A few things

                            Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


                            • #15
                              Re: Custom enclosure help

                              You might just want to buy a custom box, man. I did for like 60 bucks, came out all right. Here's a pic This one is pretty similar-it slips right in there.
                              <b>Red 96 3.8 Liter Camaro</b><br />SLP Cold Air Intake<br />Flowmaster Exhaust<br />2 12\" Pioneer Subs in a custom box<br />900 Watt Rockford Fosgate<br />Kenwood Deck<br />new engine at 102k!<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


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