OK. I just got 2 12" subs for my car. I don't have an enclosure, so I figured I'd build one. How's this look to you guys?

I'll try and center the subs in the angled section, but, if there's not enough room for it to move, I may move it down some. Mounting depth is 5 5/8 in. Mounting diameter is 11 1/8 in. They recommend 1.25 cubic feet per sub, or 1.75 if ported. The box I designed comes to about 2.44 cubic feet total. They recommend 4x11 ports, which is what I intend to use. Main question though is should I port it, or go sealed? I know porting usually sounds better, but I don't want to ruin the whole box by porting it. Unported, it's closer to the recommended size. If I do port it, should I do 2 ports like I did, or just one bigger one? I was thinking of moving the two ports towards the center, instead of the outside like I have them, and then build another little section to cover them. That way the box would look cleaner.

I'll try and center the subs in the angled section, but, if there's not enough room for it to move, I may move it down some. Mounting depth is 5 5/8 in. Mounting diameter is 11 1/8 in. They recommend 1.25 cubic feet per sub, or 1.75 if ported. The box I designed comes to about 2.44 cubic feet total. They recommend 4x11 ports, which is what I intend to use. Main question though is should I port it, or go sealed? I know porting usually sounds better, but I don't want to ruin the whole box by porting it. Unported, it's closer to the recommended size. If I do port it, should I do 2 ports like I did, or just one bigger one? I was thinking of moving the two ports towards the center, instead of the outside like I have them, and then build another little section to cover them. That way the box would look cleaner.