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Need Help: Radio Interference

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  • Need Help: Radio Interference

    I have a 1,900 Watt system in my car which is compromised of two amps... the bigger 1,000 watt amp is positioned close (about two feet) to the radio antenna... when the amp is on... my radio reception goes down the drain... I can't hear anything expect horrible interference... anyone have a solution?

  • #2
    Re: Need Help: Radio Interference

    if its clicking you have to run your power wires on the opposite side of your speaker and rca cables.

    When your engine fires it creates an electric field. The clicking is your pistons firing. (someone will correct me but i think thats about right.)

    I'm not sure if thats your issue but I had a huge problem with insane clicking on my setup at one point. Umm.. I would also move the amp away from the radio antenna. Maybe your power wires are going right along where the antenna cable goes too?

    Try moving stuff around and check your grounds. These are the most common reason for sound interference.
    Red 98 A4 Firebird<br />..its pretty..<br />- - - - - - - - - <br />6 Infinity 3-way speakers with Alpine deck and 720 watt Kenwood amp..


    • #3
      Re: Need Help: Radio Interference

      Yeah I knew to run the cables on opposite sides of the car... cd's and my mp3 player are just fine so it's nothing like that... I will have my amp unplugged and a radio station will be clear as a bell... once I plug the amp in/turn it on... can't here a thing... only static... the ground actually uses the back seat clamp bolt... which is about 2 1/2 feet away from the antenna is mount... it'll suck if the position is the key... cause I really have no other place to put it... lol... oh well... looks like I need XM...


      • #4
        Re: Need Help: Radio Interference

        Originally posted by Cam
        The clicking is your pistons firing..
        How do pistons fire? do pistons have a spark plug built into them now?, or did you mean the ignition firing?

        Anyway.. they sell something at best buy for interferance, you plug your RCA's into the box, and then the cables coming out of the little box plug into your amp.

        You could try that, unfortunatley im having a brain fart and cant think of the name.

        Old people shouldnt use the internet.


        • #5
          Re: Need Help: Radio Interference

          Originally posted by StrtRacer98
          Anyway.. they sell something at best buy for interferance, you plug your RCA's into the box, and then the cables coming out of the little box plug into your amp.

          You could try that, unfortunatley im having a brain fart and cant think of the name.
          Ground Loop Isolator.
          Red 96' A4 Firebird
          Audio Audio and Autotek
          Check it out here!


          • #6
            Re: Need Help: Radio Interference

            Originally posted by StrtRacer98
            How do pistons fire? do pistons have a spark plug built into them now?, or did you mean the ignition firing?

            Anyway.. they sell something at best buy for interferance, you plug your RCA's into the box, and then the cables coming out of the little box plug into your amp.

            You could try that, unfortunatley im having a brain fart and cant think of the name.

            you know what i meant...
            Red 98 A4 Firebird<br />..its pretty..<br />- - - - - - - - - <br />6 Infinity 3-way speakers with Alpine deck and 720 watt Kenwood amp..


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