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  • #16
    Re: Recent Problems

    nevermind, i found it.. thanks for the help though, and I'll keep my eye out for that fix..


    • #17
      Re: Recent Problems

      do you know where i can find a detailed diagram of the BCM? I need to know what wires go to what on the plugs.. Im having trouble finding the right one..


      • #18
        Re: Recent Problems

        Ok, I've eliminated a few wires, and i think i've narrowed it down to a wire, or it could be the BCM.

        I think its a problem with the wire that goes from the radio to the BCM, or wherever its from (the one that eventually comes from the fuse panel).

        The RAP wire (dark blue) from the BCM to the fuse panel is good, and so is the one from the fuse panel back to the BCM (yellow). The problem is I don't know where the orange wire that goes to the radio comes from.. I thought it came from the BCM based on what I've read, but all orange wires connected to the BCM don't seem related to the problem based on this:
        So, is there anyone out there with enough knowledge or diagrams to know where the orange wire comes from?
        Thanks for all help, its extremely appreciated.


        • #19
          Re: Recent Problems

          The orange wire going to the BMC comes directly from the 20amp Courtesy Fuse in the Instrument Panel Fuse Block.

          I like that site for the BMC connectors/pins/wires. Have to remember it.

          The scematics that I'm looking at can be seen at Man I wish I had the GM Service Manual and Body Manual schematics!

          Yellow is the wire color that you should be looking for. That is the wire color that leaves the I/P fuse block, splits off at Splice S218, one wire (yellow) to continue on to the ignition input on the radio, and another to a fuse block that I believe powers the windshield wipers.
          Now Playing: \'99 Pewter Firebird, stock, bone stock, and nothing but stock, so help me God!<br />Comming attractions: K&N Filter, Lid Mod, Intake Bellows Smooth Pipe Mod.<br />I dream about: Forced Induction (TC or SC) or NOX (or both!)


          • #20
            Re: Recent Problems

            I've checked the yellow wire for shorts from the I/P fuse block to the BCM, and it was good.
            On the wiring harness on my radio there is a yellow power wire, I believe it is the constant 12v power for the radio memory, but on the actual car wiring harness that the radio harness plugs into, that wire is orange.

            I've checked the RAP wire from the BCM to the I/P fuse block and the yellow wire from the BCM to the fuse block and didnt find any shorts.

            Right now the radio doesnt work, but I think its just broken. I have another radio I can use to test it with to see if it works, but I have to wait for someone to bring that to me.
            I'll try checking the yellow wire from the I/P fuse block to the wipers and to the orange wire on the radio harness and see what comes up. Thanks again.


            • #21
              Re: Recent Problems

              You have it kinda backwards.

              At the BCM and at the radio the orange wire is a constant "hot" wire.

              The yellow is(are) the wire(s) that the power is controled by BMC RAP.

              You should put a meter or better yet a probe light into the yellow wire of the radio connector and watch for power. You might see it come on and go off intermitantly each time the BMC faults. You might not even have any power there at all, which means that the feed from the BMC is totally dead, or there is an open or cut wire.
              Now Playing: \'99 Pewter Firebird, stock, bone stock, and nothing but stock, so help me God!<br />Comming attractions: K&N Filter, Lid Mod, Intake Bellows Smooth Pipe Mod.<br />I dream about: Forced Induction (TC or SC) or NOX (or both!)


              • #22
                Re: Recent Problems

                Oh ok, i understand it a little better now.. Thanks, and I'll try that today if I can.. I'll also be trying that other radio today to see if its something with the car or just the radio..


                • #23
                  Re: Recent Problems

                  ok, I tried the other radio and it didnt work, so Im guessing its gotta be the car.
                  I just don't get why it wouldnt work even when I was getting power to it.. I also tried testing the RAP with a light, and it didnt work properly.. As soon as I turned off the ignition, the light was out. I think its like when the radio used to cut out for no reason, but it just does it all the time now.. and it really blows.

                  Ah crap.. I just realized I had the door open when I tested the RAP with the light.. I'll have to try it again in a bit..
                  Last edited by bill12690; 05-13-2007, 04:23 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Recent Problems

                    ok, I tested it again and the RAP seems to be working fine.. I didnt try it through the yellow wire though, just the side of the fuse that the blue RAP wire is..

                    So I guess here's the deal..
                    I'm getting power to the radio, but it doesnt work.
                    The trip meter resets every time i turn off the ignition.
                    Wired regularly the hatch release, trip/odometer, and radio do not work, but when I ran a wire from the radio fuse (yellow wire side) to the yellow wire on the radio, the odometer/trip and hatch release do work, when the ignition is on.
                    When my ignition is off, the trip is reset and the hatch release doesnt work.
                    Either way the radio doesnt work at all.

                    Wow, this has gotten confusing.


                    • #25
                      Re: Recent Problems

                      ok, after trying the other radio and testing with the light i decided to check the power going to the radio again. I've checked it a thousand times before but this time I wasnt getting power through the constant 12v wire (the orange one). So, just to see if it worked, I wired up the 12v constant red wire on the radio harness to the ignition wire, and when I turned the car on, the radio worked fine. The RAP also worked.. the radio stayed on after turning the ignition off, and the hatch release button worked too.. Still not sure about the trip resetting, but I'll find that out eventually.
                      Still one problem though, when I open my door and press the hatch release it doesnt work, but im pretty sure its because the wire from the I/P fuse block to the BCM is cut right now, which i will fix later or tomorrow. So after re-connecting that yellow wire and fixing the 12v battery wire to the radio I think everything will be fine. Thanks a lot for all your help.. I was so glad when I heard that radio turn on.
                      Too bad I broke the chip in my faceplate.. Now the volume doesnt work.


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