Progressive Door Lock Bypass - New Info Found - Message Board


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Progressive Door Lock Bypass - New Info Found

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  • Progressive Door Lock Bypass - New Info Found

    If this is good enough Admins should make it a sticky in the "How To" section..

    This happened to "Mighty Mouse" and also happened to me. We both have 98 models so it is probably year specific.

    Here is the normal instructions that are said to work for all camaros/firebirds

    Under the glovebox You will see a black panel that covers everything above it.
    Remove the two clips right at the base of the glovebox, that hold the front side of the panel up, so that the panels hangs down giving you access to the wires above it.
    There will be a green plug with five wires (Orange/Black, Red/black, Grey/Black, Tan, Grey).
    Unplug the female side (light green) of the harness and cut the grey/black wire. Splice the side going back into the plug with the Tan wire.
    The other wire going back into your car is now the extra channel.
    Remember this wire sends a +12volt pulse, not a constant signal. Also remember to use a relay for high amperage draw applications.

    I tried to do it this way last week, but it wouldnt work. I kept blowing fuses and only saw one green plug, stuck up in a big black box and no matter how hard I tried I could NOT unplug the harness.

    MIGHTYMOUSE 04-08-2007, 11:00 AM
    just as a heads up, i followed these instructions yesterday and succesfully blew two 'courtesty' 20A fuses before determining the instructions are exactly wrong (at least for my 98 car, and i can't see how it would be right for another year)

    the cut black/grey wire GOING TO THE CAR should splice into the tan wire. the extra channel is the left over wire GOING TO THE PLUG

    also this 'green plug' is just one plug that connects to a big black module in the most uppper right section under the panel. it is not a separate male/female plug pair.

    MIGHTYMOUSE figured out basically that if you find your harness to be a light green plug stuck up in a module you can't unplug it from, then you should splice the tan wire with the grey/black wire that "goes back into the car" and not with the 3-4 inches of grey/black wire that is still connected to the "unremovable" harness.

    Hope this helps out anyone encountering the problems we have. I have not yet had time to check and make sure it works on my own car, but I plan on it this afternoon. Thanks

  • #2
    Re: Progressive Door Lock Bypass - New Info Found

    If you would like this added to the "how-to" section, you must email robert and he will add it for you. -Robert (admin)

    Old people shouldnt use the internet.


    • #3
      Re: Progressive Door Lock Bypass - New Info Found

      Just did it how "MightyMouse" explained it. Worked perfectly.


      • #4
        Re: Progressive Door Lock Bypass - New Info Found

        Who is mightymouse ?

        Old people shouldnt use the internet.


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