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2 turn signal questions

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  • 2 turn signal questions

    sometimes (about half the time) when i turn my RIGHT turn signal on it will light up and stay on, but will not blink. I replaced all my rear tail light bulbs and cleaned out the sockets and installed using dialectric grease. I have also changed the flasher. The problem has not been fixed. Is my last option to change the right front turn signal bulbs? also, i now have clear corner turn signals in the front, so when i but my turn signal on it is just a white flashing light. i'm not sure if this is illegal in NY but i would like to change them back to amber. So does anybody know if they make amber colored bulbs that go into the turn signals? thanx for your help

  • #2
    Re: 2 turn signal questions

    UPDATE! Now i'm ticked off. i got new turn signal bulbs (for the front) and made sure they were amber, just in case it is not legal in NY to have clear turn signal lights. I took out the old turn signal bulb and it was very black (possibly from being on for very long times instead of blinking???) idk. but anyhow, the connection looked clean, no rust or debris. I replaced the bulb and put some grease on it and low and behold i turn on the right blinker and voila! it still stays on! it doesn't blink once! (at least it's now amber) =)

    so now this is where i'm at: I replaced the front turn signal bulb, hazard/turn signal flasher (i believe they are the same thing) and all the rear turn signal bulbs ( about 7 months ago i did that) I checked the fuses in my car, they are all fine. what could the problem be?

    are there any fuses in the engine bay that might have blown? (would the light even go on if it was a blown fuse?) bad wiring? (from what i could see it looked ok) i'm really at a loss here people, plz help if you can, thanks.


    • #3
      Re: 2 turn signal questions

      Ok... when you say hazard/flasher... they aren't the same thing, cause I had to do this same thing.. They both use the same plug thing (that circular flasher), but there are two different spots.. did you replace the one under the steering column and to the right side? Or did you replace the one to the left?

      The one you are supposed to change is the one on the right.

      The one that says "turn signal flasher" not the "hazard flasher". It's just kind of dangling there sitting up on that metal plate.

      What my problem was, I changed that first cause it was less of a hassle and cheaper, then I changed it and it still stayed solid.. so I knew it was one of my bulbs, then I got clear corners and I changed the bulbs and it worked.

      So if you already changed your bulbs and your "hazard/turn signal flasher", I'm thinking you really changed your hazard flasher..

      Hope I helped.


      • #4
        Re: 2 turn signal questions

        hey thanx that def helps. it is confusing because my haynes manual is not very specific and actully says the flasher is on the left but it is really the hazard. so are you saying that the turn signal flasherr is that pink thing the arrow is pointing to or is it right next to it but out of the picture? and they take the same part to replace? thanx


        • #5
          Re: 2 turn signal questions

          The story has a happy ending!

          I replaced the turn signal flasher (the one that is hidden and located in the wrong spot in the haynes manual....=( ......)

          but i replaced it and my blinkers work!

          so now i have amber bulbs in, which i was hoping to do evenutally anyways, and all of my turn signal bulbs and flashers are brand new with grease to boot! so hopefully i will not have this problem for a few more years =) thanx for your help, and thanx for the diagram. The good thing about this kind of problem is that there is only so many things that can be wrong with your blinkers, and even if you replace them all it is still relatively cheap. so if anyone else ever has this problem these are the things to replace:

          Signal Flasher
          front and rear bulbs on whichever side the lights stay lit (because if one bulb is messed up then they both stay on)
          Don't forget the dialectric grease!
          if all else fails, check the fuses and wiring.


          • #6
            Re: 2 turn signal questions

            Nice, I am glad that you were able to fix it.


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