turn signal problems - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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turn signal problems

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  • turn signal problems

    ok with my head lights off my turn signal works fine. if i turn my head lights on they do not work. the left side does not work at all the green arrow on on my dash just stays lit up. and the right side flashes but super slow. i have no clue where to start. thanks for your help

  • #2
    Re: turn signal problems

    replace the flasher, and the turn signal bulbs in the front and rear on whatever side is not blinking, the whole cost should be like 10 bucks


    • #3
      Re: turn signal problems

      Yeah the slow flashing sounds like a bad flasher, and the solid arrow = bad bulb somewhere.. so replace the side that is bad, well hell I would do all 4 just as a preventitive thing.


      • #4
        Re: turn signal problems

        Do all that is listed above first. Then if you still have trouble look for a bad ground.


        • #5
          Re: turn signal problems

          but everything works fine when the headlights are off.


          • #6
            Re: turn signal problems

            When the one arrow doesn't flash, you have a bad bulb. My driver side tail light housing collects water that is draining down through the sides of the hatch. I used to blow bulbs like crazy before I found out what was happening. Sometimes though, when you put a bulb in and don't put it in all the way, it won't flash.
            Originally posted by LETZRIDE
            I've never touched a rear end before


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