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Fog Light connections...

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  • Fog Light connections... fogs aren't hooked up...theyre just kind of, there...

    so...where do i hook these bad boys up?

  • #2
    Re: Fog Light connections...

    Originally posted by Blizzard242 View Post
    There's that plastic access panel.. I wanna say like a splash guard right in front of your wheel wells that you can take like 1 or 2 bolts out and it's made to bend so you can get easier access to that stuff. Check it out if you don't know what I'm talkin about. Hopefully the ground is dry where you're working though cause you'll need to be on your back.


    • #3
      Re: Fog Light connections...

      Im not sure if that was supposed to be helpful, but yea... It wasnt.


      Your fog lights are just there, really isnt enough information... Check behind them for a harness, if theres a harness, check to see if the fog lights have bulbs, if the bulbs are there, check to make sure the bulbs are good.

      Is there a switch on your interior panel?

      If yes, then remove it, and check to see if the harness is plugged in, or even there.

      If not, your probably better off getting aftermarket fog lights, or running your own switch / power / ground if you can find the wire schematics to see what wire does what.

      Check fuses, check foglight relay if you have one, im not sure.

      Old people shouldnt use the internet.


      • #4
        Re: Fog Light connections...

        Originally posted by StrtRacer98 View Post
        Im not sure if that was supposed to be helpful, but yea... It wasnt.


        Your fog lights are just there, really isnt enough information... Check behind them for a harness, if theres a harness, check to see if the fog lights have bulbs, if the bulbs are there, check to make sure the bulbs are good.

        Is there a switch on your interior panel?

        If yes, then remove it, and check to see if the harness is plugged in, or even there.

        If not, your probably better off getting aftermarket fog lights, or running your own switch / power / ground if you can find the wire schematics to see what wire does what.

        Check fuses, check foglight relay if you have one, im not sure.
        sorry, really didnt give much info there...the lights are not hooked up, just bolted in. the relays and all are fine, as is the switch. I'm asking where i should look for the wires or harnesses to connect them.

        and no, that link wasnt really helpful at all lol


        • #5
          Re: Fog Light connections...

          Well, you could get lucky and maybe whoever disconnected them just tucked them away under all the crap up in the bumper, id look around / feel around for wires & loose plugs.

          If the harness' are just straight up GONE, and same with behind the switch it probably was removed for a reason (short or something).

          I know if I bought a car, and didnt want the foglights to work id probably just take the bulbs out. But yea.

          And if thats the case, Id probably just go buy aftermarket foglights, with the stock foglights that are in there, you dont even have the harness to splice into the wires to run power & ground to, to make your own switch.

          Just look around really good. I know it's a pain in the @ss but if you want your foglights that bad, spend sometime looking.

          Old people shouldnt use the internet.


          • #6
            Re: Fog Light connections...

            haha, to be honest i dont think i want them that bad. i believe these are already aftermarket, and im pretty sure they didnt feel like hookin the new fogs up (the car's a rebuild) when they put the nose back, so they just folded the wires and tucked em in the nose...but yea, maybe i can fish round and get ahold of somethin that'll work...


            • #7
              Re: Fog Light connections...

              Well if they are aftermarket, it should be pretty easy to wire.

              There will only be 2 wires to each light, (more than likely)

              Lets say one wire is red, the other is black. (red being positive, black being negative)

              You take the red wire from each fog light ( power ) and splice them together, then off the splice you will run that wire directly into the battery. *You can, and probably should put a inline fuse if it doesnt have one between the splice and the battery connection.*

              You take the black wires from each foglight (ground) and splice them together, then off the splice you will run that towards the interior of the car, once you get through the firewall hook it to a switch, any 2 position switch then to ground it just about anywhere metal with a self tapping screw.

              That way, the foglights always have power, switch is grounded and you'll have foglights.


              Old people shouldnt use the internet.


              • #8
                Re: Fog Light connections...

                that's exactly the kinda answer i was lookin for...much appreciation, bro.

                i've got an inline fuse nice and handy, along w/ a buncha electrical wire.

                i guess i could simply loosen the pos. terminal, loop the pos. wire round the bolt and tighten the terminal, no? as for the negative, would ya happen to know a good place to enter the cabin, if i could use the stock fog switch, and what would i ground? would the stock switch already be grounded?

                sorry for the questions...tryin to grow my Fbody encyclopedia in the process of all this workin lol


                • #9
                  Re: Fog Light connections...

                  You COULD wrap the wire around the pos. terminal, or next to the battery there should be a Positive distribution, smaller wires going into a red box sometimes.
                  If you look behind the battery and see this, that would probably be a better place, but both will work.

                  As for bringing the wire through the firewall, I dont think there is really anywhere to go through, without drilling a small hole. ( I find that if your going to drill a hole in the firewall right there, go from the inside out and just make sure you dont drill into anything on the motor side )
                  I think there is a grommet where the steering column goes through the firewall, if you could poke a hole in that and run the wire through there that would be best.
                  If not, just drill.

                  As for the stock switch, I really wouldnt know what wires do what unless I had the schematics, and chances are your harness isnt even there, but it might be.

                  The switch wont be grounded, one of the wires in the harness would ground the switch so youll have to make your own.

                  You can get a ground from anywhere, while your under the dash, drilling through the firewall you can ground the wire right to the firewall if you want, just take a screwdriver, scratch the paint off the area you are grounding it so it has a good connection and use a self-tapping screw to mount it.
                  Pretty much ground it wherever you can get a secure mount, metal to metal.

                  Old people shouldnt use the internet.


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