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Help quick! Please!

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  • Help quick! Please!

    So some electronics were acting funny in my car the other day. I replaced the alternator and cleaned/tightened every ground i could find. Car ran great.

    I decided on my way home from work today to give it a little gas to about 4k rpms....

    both volt meters immediately dropped to 12 volts on the nose(i have an aftermarket autometer too for piece of mind because of my system)

    could this be the alternator? maybe it was defective? PLEASE HELP

  • #2
    Re: Help quick! Please!

    sounds like a bad battery or alternator. Cars usually act funny when the battery is on the way out.

    Only way to really know for sure is to have your battery/alt tested

    Abbott long tubes,homemade true duals,slp ram air,whisper lid,eibach springs,kyb shocks,BMR subframe connectors, BMR LCA reloc brackets,BMR LCAs. T-top/manual converted


    • #3
      Re: Help quick! Please!

      the battery is about 6 months old and the alternator is about 3 weeks lol

      could it be anything besides those two things...? im really hoping its not..


      • #4
        Re: Help quick! Please!

        You could clean the ground on the fender, take it off, scrape it up and put it back on tight.

        If that doesnt help then go to auto zone, its free to check your battery and alternator.

        Just because they are 3 weeks and 6 months old doesnt mean anything. they can go bad after a day or a year.

        Old people shouldnt use the internet.


        • #5
          Re: Help quick! Please!

          raspberries lol...

          I literally just did all the ground wires I could find about a week ago so they are still shiny metal and connected WELL. As long as its just the battery or alt. im not TOO worried about it. I have had the WORST luck this summer. Probably the 5 weeks of rain we have had. One more day of rain and we break the all time record for days straight of rain in my area.


          Could the High RPMs burn out the alt. or battery? because I was driving around fine for about a week and this happened INSTANTLY after hittin 4k rpms... i dont think it was a coincidence :(
          Last edited by Niko97RS; 07-02-2009, 08:59 AM.


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