i've got a 38mm ebay brand wastegate. basically a tial knock off. the spring is for 8psi. and it works like it should unless i'm racing, then in 3rd gear it creeps up to 13, feels amazing, and stays there lol.. do i need a bigger wastegate? its originally internally wastegated.. and it just clicked to me that maybe the hole for the wastegate may not be big enough... not allowing enought to bleed off... if i remember correctly most of the stock wastegate actuators were 13psi for these GN turbos maybe that's the issue... i need to be able to go down to 4 psi using a 4psi spring. in case my water/meth system fails. so i need to get this figured out. my wastegate is the 2 port style so i should be able to go up to 20 or so psi with a air regulator i think.
